from the Green Party of the United States Annual National Meetings Committee:
The Green Party of the United States is seeking a Meeting Coordinator to organize the Annual National Meeting to take place in Tucson, Arizona July 27-30. The expected start date is approximately six weeks before the meeting, apx. June 19th.
This is a position that would require a minimum of 175 hours with part time hours the first three or so weeks and the last couple of weeks becoming full time as needed. Logging of hours and activities will be expected. Pay schedule to be negotiated. Probably would be $500 to start, $500 in two weeks, $500 in four weeks, and $500 after follow-up is done.
The Coordinator will receive compensation of $2000.00 for the six week period. There is a possible additional $500 allotted for an assistant to the Coordinator, to be approved by the Annual National Meetings Committee (ANMC).
The Coordinator will be the main contact person for venue personnel and vendors. The Coordinator will give weekly and daily (as time progresses) status reports to the ANMC and the Operations Director.
Qualifications: Previous Green Party involvement and meeting planning experience essential. Participation in past national Green meetings preferred.
Ability to provide:
An up to-date knowledge of local information – public transportation including schedules and maps, a list of restaurants and emergency info.Printing and distributing delegate packets.
Food and accommodations during the meeting will be provided by the GPUS. The ANMC along with the Tucson Greens will work diligently to find reasonably priced or free housing leading up and following the meeting. Other previously authorized expenses will be reimbursed pending approval of the ANMC Co-chairs, Operations Director or the GPUS Treasurer.
It is essential that the Coordinator have a cell phone for this job. If the Coordinator does not currently have a cell phone, we will make arrangements to provide a temporary one.
The Coordinator will be responsible, in collaboration with the ANMC, Arizona Greens and the Operations Director of GPUS for coordinating the logistics of the meeting including:
-Following up on the contracts, insurance and other logistical needs.
-Registration set up and record keeping.
-Supplies- distribution, inventory etc.
-Arranging Audio Visual Set-up with venues, committees and other presenters as needed.
-Checking meeting room set-ups, being the main contact for all workshop presenters and venues to make sure all needs are being met.
-AV, chair/table set up etc.
-Printing and distributing packets and other materials to attendees
(maps, schedules, restaurant lists, emergency info)
-Volunteer Coordination before and during the event.Ideally coordinator will create local volunteer pool to delegate tasks such as quick runs to make copies, carpooling etc. Other volunteers from GPUS will also need tasks delegated as they arrive. This skill is essential to the smooth flow of work the week of the meeting.
Please send cover letter and resume to the Annual National Meeting Committee c/o no later than March 30th.
The ANMC does not discriminate. All are considered based upon experience and willingness to do their best for a smooth Annual National Meeting.
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