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Green Party Peace Slate Takes Times Square 6/1/06

 Recently Nominated Malachy McCourt, Green Candidate for Governor, to Appear Alongside Fellow Members of the “Green Party Peace Slate”

WHEN: June 1, 2006, 3:30 PM

WHERE: Outside Military Recruiting Center Times Square, NYC

WHO: NY Green Party Nominees: Malachy McCourt, Howie Hawkins, Alison Duncan, & Julie Willebrand


GPNYS Peace Slate
Top row: Howie Hawkins, Julia Willebrand
Bottom Row: Alison Duncan, Malachy McCourt, Rachel Treichler Photo by Deyva Arthur

“Don't waste your vote, give it to me” confidently proclaimed a beaming, Malachy McCourt, upon receiving the Green Party’s nomination for New York Governor, a week ago Saturday, May 20, in Albany. “I'm not running for Governor, I'm standing! I will stand with the Green Party and speak out against this immoral war in Iraq.”

The “2006 Peace Slate”, including celebrity author Malachy McCourt, will hold a meet-and-greet media availability, outside the military recruiting center in Times Square, at 3:30 PM this Thursday, June 1.

Running-mate Howie Hawkins, the Green candidate for Senate, will point out the slate’s potential for victory: “Like the majority of New Yorkers, I support immediate withdrawal from Iraq, and Medicare for all. Senator Clinton does not. If New Yorkers vote for what they want, we will win this election.” McCourt and Hawkins lead the new NY Green Party 2006 slate, united around what they consider “the winning issues:” peace, healthcare, and jobs.

The candidates claim the Iraq War has killed 114 New Yorkers, and wasted $24 billion of New Yorkers’ taxes. They point out that only the Green Party originally opposed entry into a war in Iraq.

The Brooklyn-born Malachy McCourt is a New York Times best-selling author, who has been an on-air host at the City’s top radio stations for the past 35 years. McCourt won awards from New York magazine, City Club, and the NYCLU. McCourt, (whose brother happens to be another top author named Frank) is a much-in-demand professional public speaker.

Rounding out the slate are three strong female progressive leaders: Rachel Treichler for attorney general, Julia Willebrand for comptroller, and Alison Duncan for lieutenant governor. Willebrand and Duncan will also appear on June 1. On May 20, Duncan said, "New York's disadvantaged youth should not see the military as their only option for an education and an honest job. As Lieutenant Governor, I will advocate free public higher education and strong economic development initiatives for our state."

“World peace is central to the well-being of everyone including the people of New York,” said Comptroller candidate Julia Willebrand, “I will use the power of the Comptroller as sole trustee of $115 billion in retirement funds to enhance the financial and physical security of the people of New York by working toward peace. One such step will be joining other states’ efforts to end the genocide in Darfur by divesting from companies doing business in Sudan.”

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