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3 Peace & Justice Jobs: 9/15/06 & 9/30/06 deadlines


Title:  Guantanamo Global Justice Initiative Organizer
Start Date:  Immediate
Location:  New York City

Center for Constitutional Rights
666 Broadway, 7th Floor
New York, NY  10012

The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), a progressive legal and educational organization, seeks a full-time organizer for its Guantanamo Global Justice Initiative (GGJI). The GGJI at CCR resulted from the Supreme Court victory in Rasul v. Bush which asserted the right of Guantanamo detainees to challenge their confinement. This position will coordinate all education and outreach aspects of the Initiative/Project.
Job Responsibilities:

  • Conduct broad outreach to bar associations, law schools, universities and other appropriate hosts for CCR’s lawyers, habeas counsel, and other Project spokespeople
  • Work with Project team to develop policy papers, reports and analyses of legislative initiatives that relate to the project
  • Liaise with GGJI team and habeas on legislative initiatives and strategies to address them
  • Coordinate all project-related speaking engagements
  • Coordinate production and dissemination of public education materials
  • Assist with action alerts and other web-related advocacy efforts
  • Develop new or complementary strategies for broad-based outreach
  • Coordinate with Project Team all educational and political fora, including conferences, panels, and CLE’s
  • Maintain and develop relationships/alliances with grassroots, religious and other activist organizations to support movement for global justice
  • Liaison between Project staff and other departments and staff
  • Some administrative duties as assigned
    Required Qualifications:
    ·      Excellent writing and public speaking skills required
    ·      2-5 years of organizing/advocacy experience
    ·      Ability to efficiently manage multiple tasks and priorities
    ·      Familiarity and comfort with legislative processes and settings
    ·      Computer literacy and proficiency with internet applications
    ·      Excellent time management skills
    ·      Strong sense of integrity and a sense of humor
    ·      Demonstrated commitment to human rights work and international justice
    ·      Ability to travel

    How Performance is to be Evaluated:
  • Demonstrated ability to provide measurable results
  • Completion of tasks on time
  • Responsiveness to requests
  • Adequate maintenance of office filing systems and databases

The Organizer reports to the Director of Education and Outreach.

Salary for this position is commensurate with applicant’s experience, however the salary range for this position is $35,000 to $38,000 annually.  Benefits include pension plan, escalating vacation beginning with three weeks, sick leave, holidays, and 100% organization paid health benefits for employees including medical, dental, life and long-term disability insurance.

Qualified candidates should mail a cover letter, resume, one-page writing sample, and three references to: GORG Search Committee, Center for Constitutional Rights, 666 Broadway, 7th floor, NY, 10012 or e-mail to gorgsearch@ccr-ny.org <mailto:rsvp@ccr-ny.org> with “GGJI Organizer” in the subject line.   E-mail applications preferred.  Applications will be considered on a rolling basis and strong consideration will be given to early applications.  



Dear Friends and Comrades,
We’ve got two of job openings here at the War Resisters League – a Field Organizer and a Development Coordinator. Please pass the word on to anyone  you know who might be interested. The full job descriptions, deadlines, and application info are available at
all the best,
Development Coordinator
War Resisters League

The War Resisters League seeks an experienced Development Coordinator to develop and implement a fundraising and membership strategy that will build a diversified and sustainable income and increase our national visibility and our membership base.

As one of the leading radical voices in the anti-war movement, our programs challenge military recruitment and war profiteering, organize nonviolent direct action, and offer on-the-ground education. Our current projects include the Not Your Soldier Project, the Stop the Merchants of Death Program, and a number of local and regional anti-war organizing projects. 

This full-time staffer will coordinate the work of the volunteer Fundraising Committee. In addition, s/he will facilitate the assessment and advancement of current fundraising strategies and the initiation of new fundraising projects that reflect and support our organizing work. S/he will also help advance our member cultivation and development goals. 

For a full job description, please visit www.warresisters.org

This is a full time salaried position. Yearly salary is $35,677, with full benefits, including health insurance, paid vacation and a pension contribution of five percent.

Please send resume and cover letter by September 30th 2006 to:

Hiring Committee, WRL, 339 Lafayette St. , NY, NY 10012, or fax to (212) 228-6193, or email amc@warresisters.org with “Development Coordinator” in the subject line.

The War Resisters League is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. The War Resisters League affirms that all war is a crime against humanity. We therefore are determined not to support any kind of war, international or civil, and to strive nonviolently for the removal of all causes of war.

Field Organizer
War Resisters League
The War Resisters League seeks a strategic, self-directed, and experienced Field Organizer to help build and develop our work on a national level. As one of the leading radical voices in the anti-war movement, our programs challenge military recruitment and war profiteering, organize nonviolent direct action, and offer on-the-ground education. Our current projects include the Not Your Soldier Project, the Stop the Merchants of Death Program, and a number of local and regional anti-war organizing projects. 

The Field Organizer will be based in our New York City national office, but will also spend a significant portion of their time on the road building the League. S/he will initiate, organize, and support WRL local chapters and affiliates, and assist WRL-identified groups network, organize and act for social and political change, with the goal of developing community leaders who will continue to organize with the WRL in the coming years.
Full job description at www.warresisters.org
This is a full time salaried position. Yearly salary is $35,677, with full benefits, including health insurance, paid vacation and a pension contribution of five percent.
Please send a cover letter, resume, and three references to youth@warresisters.org with Field Organizer in the subject line. The deadline is September 15th 2006. You can also fax your application to 212.228.6193
The War Resisters League is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. The office, however, is located on the second floor and not wheelchair- accessible. There is an office cat.

Believing war to be a crime against humanity, the War Resisters League, founded in 1923, advocates Gandhian nonviolence as the method for creating a democratic society free of war, racism, sexism, and human exploitation. www.warresisters.org


—  Steve Theberge
National Organizer,
Youth and Counter Militarism Program
War Resisters League 
www.warresisters.org/youth | www.myspace.com/dmznetwork 
212.228.0450 x102 
339 Lafayette Street
New York City, NY 10012

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