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My Green Manifesto

for Isaac Opalinsky, Alison Gibbons and Erik Michelson

by Matt Gonzalez

I shall vote Green because I love bicycles
I shall vote Green because there are too many prisons
I shall vote Green because I love St. Patrick’s Day
I shall vote Green because the world needs more parks and benches
I shall vote Green because I believe workers should be paid the value of their labor
I shall vote Green because I don’t like blue dogs
I shall vote Green because Federico Garcia Lorca loved green
I shall vote Green because the Whigs are too old
I shall vote Green because the Anarchists wear too much black
I shall vote Green because I love the Socialists
I shall vote Green because I am against the death penalty
I shall vote Green because I believe housing is a human right
I shall vote Green because I don’t believe men should decide what women can do with their bodies
I shall vote Green because the Democrats voted for welfare reform
I shall vote Green because the Democrats voted for Three Strikes
I shall vote Green because the Democrats voted for Don’t Ask Don’t tell
I shall vote Green because the Democrats are a mean bunch
I shall vote Green because I support reparations for the taking of land and liberty
I shall vote Green because I am tired of having the Blue Angels fly over my city
I shall vote Green because I read the Communist Manifesto & liked it
I shall vote Green because I love asparagus
I shall vote Green because I love artichoke hearts
I shall vote Green because I love spinach
I shall vote Green because I love jazz
I shall vote Green because my mother votes Green
I shall vote Green because Jonathan Richman probably votes Green
I shall vote Green because Lawrence Ferlinghetti votes Green
I shall vote Green because Jello Biafra votes Green
I shall vote Green because Medea Benjamin votes Green
I shall vote Green because Cornell West votes Green
I shall vote Green because there are too many guns
I shall vote Green because there is too much noise
I shall vote Green because I’d rather have peace than war
I shall vote Green because I believe in free needle exchange
I shall vote Green because it should be illegal to sell animal fur
I shall vote Green because I am going to sell my car soon
I shall vote Green because I want to repeal Proposition 13
I shall vote Green because a corporation should not have the same rights as a person
I shall vote Green because Green is easy to remember
I shall vote Green because I am opposed to the privatization of schools, prisons and zoos
I shall vote Green because I believe in muncipalized water & electricity
I shall vote Green because two parties isn’t enough
I shall vote Green because the Mayor of Rome is Green
I shall vote Green because it is better than throwing bombs
I shall vote Green because deep in my heart I still believe in democracy.

February 14, 2002, San Francisco

Written in the spirit of Christopher Logue and Jack Micheline for my friends in the Maryland State Green Party.

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