The Green Party stands for fair wages for all – wages that enable employees to support both themselves and their families. Ordinances are being passed across the country; however, more needs to be done. The Green Party urges congress to pass a living wage for all Americans. Now that the Democrats have taken control of the House and Senate one of the proposals is raising the minimum wage 70 cents. That would increase the minimum wage from $5.15 to $5.85 after 60 days, and $7.20 after two years! Minimum wage laws do not ensure that an individual working full-time at a job will earn enough income to support themselves and their family. The Green Party does not consider $5.85 or $7.20 a living wage. Working full time should yield enough income to live on and not leave the employee in poverty. The Green Party considers inadequate wages as unfair business practices. There is absolutely no reason for employees of multi-billion-dollar companies to struggle to make-ends-meet.
- According to the Federal Bureau of Statistics, a wage of $8.20 to upwards of $12.00 an hour—depending upon where you live—would exceed the federal poverty level. Big businesses have used excuses such as facing economic disaster and mass layoffs if they are required to pay any more than current levels.
- However, this hasn’t stopped CEO’s from fattening their pockets. In the corporate world, CEO’s make 400 times more than the typical workers’ salary. In light of this extreme difference, it seems Corporations might serve their ends better by paying a living wage.
- Who benefits from a living wage? According to faireconomy.org, paying a living wage has the potential to reduce employee turnover and absenteeism, thereby lowering recruitment and training costs; increase productivity; increase morale and commitment to the company.
- Over 140 municpalities have passed Living Wage ordinances over the last 10 years.
- In 2005 24.5% of workers earned poverty-level hourly wages (men 19.9%, women 29%; whites 20.1%, African-Americans 33.3%, Latinos 39.3%) from the State of Working America 2006-07 , based CPS wage data.
Americas’ working-families deserves our support. Help the Green Party advocate for a living wage system. Help us narrow the continually widening fairness-gap between corporate heads and working families.
Filed under: Action Alert!, activism, Corporations, cynthia mckinney, Education, Green Party Websites, international politics, reform, social & economic justice, US Politics Tagged: | book of the month
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