Green Party Seeks FEC Blessing As Big-Time Political Party, Fundraiser
The Green Party is on the verge of making history this week as the nation’s third political party with an FEC-sanctioned senatorial campaign committee.
The Federal Election Commission is scheduled to consider the Green Senatorial Campaign Committee’s request Thursday. If approved, the GSCC can raise money for senatorial candidates like its Republican and Democratic counterparts. The new committee would also have to adhere to the same campaign finance rules.
Draft Advisory Opinion 2006-36 is available at
The Green Senatorial Campaign Committee’s website is at
Green Party of Suffolk Chair Roger Snyder is a member of the Green Senatorial Campaign Committee
Filed under: 9-11, Anti-War, Ballot issues, Books, campaign finance reform, election, elections, Green Party Websites, international politics, Political Websites, reform, third party, US Politics, video Tagged: | Battle of Seattle, third parties, UFPJ, vegetarien
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