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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

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Judith Zweiman, Tom Romeo, & Chris Merwin 2/24/07

Dear Fans and Future Fans of The Song Box:

The Song Box    Eighth Season!  This month in Seaford

on the same program:

Old Friends (Judith Zweiman & Tom Romeo)World musician Chris Merwin

Fourth Saturday, February 24 at 8pm $10 donation for performer, + voluntary optional donation for Song Box expenses  + Canned goods for needy

Please bring some food and beverage to share at the break! 

A pot-luck buffet is served during the break between performers – bring something if you’re feeling creative! 

In Seaford this month!

Please make advance reservations by sending an email to songbox@optonline.net.  You will be sent a confirmation and directions via return email.  If you have no Email make reservations at 516-579-5365

More complete information is given below.

The Song Box shows are presented by George Trapani, Jane Ross, and Richard de Bruin

Thank you for your support of the Artists and The Song Box for the Eighth season.

I look forward to seeing you at The Song Box, this month in Seaford

Yours Truly,

Richard de Bruin


The Song Box Eighth Season! This month in Seaford on the same program:  Old Friends (Judith Zweiman & Tom Romeo) World musician Chris Merwin 


Old Friends (Judith Zweiman & Tom Romeo) Old Friends Tom Romeo and Judith Zweiman have survived the swinging 60’s, the confused ’70’s, the self involved 80’s, the optimistic 90’s, the Oh-Oh’s of the 21st Century, and they have lived to tell the tales and sing the songs … SO NOW, THAT’S WHAT THEY DO!

Tom Romeo

Tom Romeo has been charming audiences with his unique performances of traditional, contemporary and original stories and poems since the mid ‘70’s. He has appeared at colleges, libraries and festivals, performing as a solo artist and as a member of the Long Island Poetry Collective, the Performance Poets Association, and the Long Island Poetry Repertory Theater.  Tom’s work has appeared in a variety of publications including Creations Magazine., Process (published by the Long Island Poetry Collective), the Performance Poets Association Anthologies, and a collection of his poems entitled Memorial Day.

Judith Zweiman

Judith Zweiman has been an active part of the Long Island music scene since the 1970’s. She has performed and recorded with a legion of singer-songwriters such as Christine Lavin* and Martha Trachtenberg. A former facility member of The Guitar Workshop of Roslyn Heights, Judith later became a fixture in the Greenwich Village songwriters scene of the ’80’s. Judith Zweiman has recorded numerous tunes for Fast Folk Magazine. Her song, “Heart on Ice” was covered by Shawn Colvin and Lucy Kaplansky. Her solo CD release is entitled Look at the Moon. Her poetry and writing have been published in Creations Magazine, the Performing Poets Association Anthologies, and Arcanum.

World musician Chris Merwin 


Chris Merwin has spent the last twenty-one years studying various instruments such as the guitar, tiple, Arabic oud, Hawaiian steel guitar, Weissenbom guitar, and the Japanese shakuhachi flute. His travels have taken him to Tibet, Japan, China, Egypt, Hawaii, and many other places.

He has performed at the United Nations, for local Congressmen, and has made numerous appearances on TV and radio. He plays an eclectic mix of musical styles – blues, gospel, Hawaiian, bluegrass, as well as Buddhist meditation music, Japanese classical music, and folk songs.

Come and hear this wonderful world musician.


Saturday, February 24 at 8 PM


$10 donation for performer + voluntary optional donation for Song Box expenses + Canned goods for needy


A pot-luck buffet is served during the break between performers – bring something if you’re feeling creative

The Song Box

The finest regional and local performers with some national performers

Folk music, singer songwriter Performances in a cozy stage setting

“Ah, the Song Box; this has got to be the best venue on Long Island to see anyone.” Amy’s music info concertnotes@optonline.net 6-21-05  (Subscribe to Gary’s Long Island Concert Notes LIConcertNotes@optonline.net)

The only regularly scheduled Long Island house concert featured by Robbie Woliver, LI Section, New York Times, 8-5-01

“One of the most remarkable efforts…” Sonny Meadows, Folk U., Aural Fix, July 2001


Is anyone willing to help out to keep these shows going?  Any other advice or suggestions are welcome – just drop me a line at songbox@optonline.net. –George Trapani



Fourth Saturday Winter-Spring 2007 Song Box  Since we had a summer break this becomes the Eighth Season, I think!

Watch for future performers!

[*Christine Lavin will appear at Our Times Coffeehouse on Friday March 16, the third Friday of March, at the Ethical Humanist Society, 38 Old Country Road, Garden City LI NY www.ourtimescoffeehouse.org 516-541-1006 (By the Water Tower. Just East of Herricks Road and the Railroad crossing.)  Also at Our Times Coffeehouse: Third Fri Feb 16 Modern Man; Third Fri Apr 20 Little Toby Walker: Third Fri May 18 TBA; Fri June 8 Pat Wictor.]

The Song Box 

in Seaford!
This month’s show is being held in a recording studio at a private residence in Seaford, Long Island (South Shore Nassau County).  Seating is limited.  Please make advance reservations by sending an email to songbox@optonline.net. You will be sent a confirmation and directions via return email.  If you have no Email make reservations at 516-579-5365

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