There has been positive movement on the issue of respecting immigrants and respecting the day laborers in Long Island. Many groups seem to think that having a Workcenter (aka Hiring Hall, the old term) will help alleviate the tension and provide for these men–who are clearly here to stay, due to our economy pulling them in. Some positive movement, in that a local Mayor has allowed for curbcuts and support for a kind of Workcenter in his area.
Announced by Mo from Suffolk:
After prayer march Friday, Southampton Mayor Mark Epley announced his support for a workcenter. There will be fierce reaction all across LI against his action. He needs our support and encouragement to stay the course, to be resolute in his courageous stand. Please write Mark Epley
please write a short letter of support for Mayor Epley to the Southampton Press
see today’s lead story by Bart Jones in Newsday:,0,6490752.story?coll=ny-main-bigpix
then go to end of story to leave a brief comment. make it the first sentence of yr letter to ed to Newsday:
please post far & wide [on immigrant-friendly lists!] there will be a firestorm of reaction against Epley. let’s stand at the barricade with him. –mo
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