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Please cut, paste and sign the letter below. Use the e-mail links to the left to send a message of support to elected officials on behalf of Shaquanda.
Dear Elected Official,
I am writing to request your intervention on behalf of Shaquanda Cotton. She is a 15-year-old African-American teenager from Paris, Texas, who is serving a seven-year prison term for pushing a hall monitor at her high school in 2005. No injuries were reported in the incident.
Lamar County Judge Hon. M.C. Superville sentenced Cotton in 2006 to an indefinite term at Texas’ Ron Jackson Correctional Complex. The girl, who was 14 when she was imprisoned and has no prior arrests, has to now live with violent juveniles with serious felony convictions.
Both the Department of Education and the Department of Justice are conducting investigations into several allegations of discrimination against the girl’s school district, says Cotton’s mother. She has filed a complaint of her own against the school. Highlighting the unfairness in this case is another verdict: Judge Superville sentenced a White teenager to probation for arson, a much more serious offense.
The Cotton family reports that she is depressed and has attempted to hurt herself three times in prison. A guard at the facility where she is serving her sentence has also been accused of molestation.
Please take the time to at least investigate this case and decide if a seven-year sentence is indeed unusual and extreme under the circumstances stated. If so, please stand up in the name of justice and fairness for Shaquanda and, as a result, all of America’s children. Join the many supporters of Shaquanda Cotton across the country trying to bring the teenager back home. It is our responsibility as Americans to fight for an impartial judicial system that we can trust will ensure the rights and well-being of all of our citizens.
Counting on Your Support,
Sign Your Name Here
Are you interested in reaching out to Shaquanda? You can write a directly to her at the address below:
She also receive mail here:
Ron Jackson Correctional Complex,
Unit 2, Dorm 4
P.O. Box 872
Brownwood, Texas 76804
Protest letters can also be sent to Judge Chuck Superville, who handed down the sentence at the address below:
Honorable M.C. (Chuck) Superville, Jr., Judge
Lamar County Courthouse
119 North Main
Paris, TX 75460
Phone # 903-737-2410
Fax # 903-785-3858
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