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Forum on Intermodal Facility 6/19/07

OPEN FORUM public hearing for the NYS DOT’s proposed TRIM (Truck to Trail Intermodal) facility, which they want to build adjacent to the Edgewood Preserve and 1/4 mile from residential areas (mainly Dix Hills, Deer Park and Brentwood).

Tuesday, June 19th
4pm to 9pm: View the plans and visual materials
7pm to 9pm: SPEAK OUT AGAINST THIS PROJECT at the formal public hearing

350 Wicks Road, Brentwood, NY 11717(exit 53 LIE)

Remember…….there is strength in numbers. They wanted to build a similar facility in Maspeth, Queens and the people there fought hard and WON!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Friends of the Edgewood Preserve at info@friendsofedgewood.com or me directly at patricia@friendsofedgewood.com or peetieb@aol.com.

If we don’t speak out now, then the DOT, Governor Spitzer and our local elected officials will think we don’t care and that it is okay to continue to destroy Long Island, our open, wild places and our quality of life with continued development and projects like this one. Let them know it is NOT okay.

The DRAFT Environmental Impact Study (DEIS) is available at www.nysdot.gov or at the following libraries: Brentwood Public Library, the Deer Park Public Library and the Commack Public Library.

Trucks from ALL over the region will converge on Dix Hills, Deer Park and Brentwood. You must know (they won’t tell you this) that these facilities get poor marks as very often these trucks do NOT take loads both ways….so you end up with empty trucks which spew diesel fumes, clog our roads anyway and add to the wear and tear of those roads — all under the guise of “efficiency” and “clearing our roads of trucks”.

This impact study has many “holes” in it! It says that this site was chosen because it is the most “suitable”. Suitable for whom? Not for those who live 1/4 mile away from where this noisy, polluting facility will be. Not for the preserve and the many plant and animal species that thrive there. Not for the entire region, which will be that much more noiser, crowded and polluted.

Most of the planning for this project has been done under the radar — without the proper public involvement. Let the DOT know that you are not pleased and let your elected officials know that this is not acceptable.

Thank you!
Patricia Burkhart
Friends of the Edgewood Preserve

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