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Vox Pop’s Declaration of Independence: A Festival of Poetry and Music 7/6/ -7/8/07

Featuring Boog City’s d.a. levy lives: celebrating the renegade press series in exile
Featuring seven of the area’s finest publishers,
with readings from their authors
Curated and with an introduction by Boog City editor David Kirschenbaum
Vox Pop, 1022 Cortelyou Rd., Brooklyn, NY 11218
718 940 2084 www.voxpopnet.net
Directions: Q to Cortelyou, F to Ditmas. Venue is at Stratford Road

Featured Presses:
(author bios and urls follow this schedule)

Sat. July 7

1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
Futurepoem Books (editor Dan Machlin) Merry Fortune, Serena Jost, Rachel Levitsky, Machlin, and special guests.

3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs (editor Brenda Iijima) John Coletti,
Jennifer Firestone, Martha Oatis, Marianne Shaneen

5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Belladonna* Books (co-editor Rachel Levitsky) Corina Copp, Joanna Fuhrman, Nada Gordon, Tim Peterson or Trace

and Litmus Press/Aufgabe (poetry editor Paul Foster Johnson) Brenda Iijima, Idra Novey

9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.
Ugly Duckling Presse
(collective member TBA) Steve Dalachinsky, Edwin Frank, Elizabeth Reddin, Laura Solomon

Sun. July 8

1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
Kitchen Press (editor Justin Marks) Ana Bozicevic-Bowling, Chris Tonelli

3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.

Wilderside Media (co-editors Ian and Kimberly Wilder) Ellen Pober Rittberg, Lois V. Walker, George Wallace, Ian Wilder, Kimberly Wilder, and Wolfgang Vann

5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Bowery Books (Bowery Women: Poems co-editor Marjorie Tesser) Tsaurah Litzky, Amy Ouzoonian, Mary Reilly, Gabriella Santoro, Tesser

Press and author bios

*Belladonna* Books
Founded as a reading series at a women¹s radical bookstore in 1999, Belladonna* is a feminist avant-garde event and publication series that promotes the work of women writers who are adventurous, politically involved, multi-form, multicultural, multi-gendered, unpredictable, dangerous with language (to the death machinery). In its eight-year history, Belladonna* has featured such writers as Julie Patton, kari edwards, Leslie Scalapino, Alice Notley, Erica Hunt, Fanny Howe, Mei-mei Berssenbrugge, Cecilia Vicuña, Latasha Natasha Nevada Diggs, Camille Roy, Nicole Brossard, Abigail Child, Norma Cole, Lydia Davis, Gail Scott, Renee Gladman, Rachel Blau Duplessis, Marcella Durand, and Lila Zemborain, along with nearly 100 other experimental and hybrid women writers. The curators promote work that is explicitly experimental in form, connects with other art forms, and is political and/or critical in content. Alongside the readings, Belladonna* supports its artists by publishing commemorative chaplets of their work on the night of the event. Please contact us (Erica Kaufman, Rachel Levitsky et al) at belladonnaseries@yahoo.com to receive a catalog and be placed on our list.

*Corina Copp
Corina Copp hails from Lawrence, Kan.; Boulder, Colo.; and New Orleans, La. She is the author of Play Air (Belladonna* Books) and the e-book Carpeted (Faux Press). Her poems and reviews have appeared or are forthcoming from Fence, The Germ, Magazine Cypress, The Poetry Project Newsletter, and Pom2. She was the program assistant and Monday Night Reading Series Coordinator at the Poetry Project at St. Mark¹s Church, and lives in Brooklyn.

*Joanna Fuhrman
Joanna Fuhrman is the author of three books of poetry, Freud in Brooklyn, Ugh Ugh Ocean, and Moraine, all published by Hanging Loose Press. She lives in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn.

*Nada Gordon
Nada Gordon is the author of five books, including the recently released Folly. She is a founding member of the Flarf Collective.

*Tim Peterson or Trace
Tim Peterson, or Trace, is the author of Since I Moved In (Chax Press), edits EOAGH: A Journal of the Arts (recent issue Queering Language), and co-curates a portion of the Segue Reading Series.

*Bowery Books
The Bowery Poetry Club¹s new publishing imprint has launched three books:

  • Taylor Mead’s A Simple Country Girl,
  • Bowery Women: Poems, and The
  • Bowery Bartenders Big Book of Poems.

*Tsaurah Litzky
Tsaurah Litzky’s most recent poetry chapbook is Crazy Lust, out from Snapdragon Press. Baby On the Water‹New and Collected Poems, 1992-2003 was published by Long Shot Press. When not writing poetry, she writes fiction, nonfiction, and erotica. Her erotic novella, The Motion of the Ocean, was published by Simon & Schuster as part of Three the Hard Way, a series of erotic novellas edited by Susie Bright. Litzky teaches erotic writing
at The New School.

*Amy Ouzoonian
Amy Ouzoonian is a main stem at Steve Cannon’s Gathering of the Tribes communal art space, where she hosts reading series, works for Tribes zine, and edits anthologies, including In the Arms of Words: Poems for Disaster Relief (Foothills Publishing/Sherman Asher Press) and Skyscrapers, Taxis and Tampons (Fly by Night Press). She is the publisher and founder of Lock n’ Load Press, and the author of a book of poems, Your Pill (Foothills Publishing). She lives and writes in Brooklyn, N.Y.

*Mary Reilly
Mary Reilly is a visual artist and poet who studied at Bard College and in the Study Abroad on the Bowery program. She is doing a residency at the Art Students League.

*Gabriella Santoro
Gabriella Santoro is from the Bronx. She has a certificate in Applied Poetics from Bowery Arts & Sciences, and spent a summer in Boulder, Colo. at the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University. She also has a G.E.D., a B.A. from Columbia University, and was working on a doctorate in developmental psychology when she realized she needed more time to write poetry. She lives in an intentional community in NYC.

*Marjorie Tesser
Marjorie Tesser is a poet and an editor for Bowery Books. She is a co-editor of Bowery Women: Poems and curates a reading series based on the book. She also co-edits The Mom Egg, a journal, with Alana Free. She serves on the board of Four Way Books.

*Futurepoem Books
Founded in 2002, Futurepoem books is a publishing collaborative dedicated to presenting innovative contemporary poetry, prose, and multigenre works of literature by emerging and underrepresented authors. Our rotating editorial panel shares the responsibility for selecting and promoting the books we produce. Recent authors include Jill Magi, Laura Mullen, Merry Fortune, Shanxing Wang, and Jo Ann Wasserman. Futurepoem is funded in part by funds from The New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency.

*Merry Fortune
Merry Fortune is a musician and environmentalist and the author of the book of poems ghosts by albert ayler, ghosts by albert ayler (Futurepoem books). She is working on a book about Shalom Neuman’s FusionArt and the FusionArts Museum and has been compiling information about Indians and environmentalism.

*Serena Jost
Serena Jost is a singer-songwriter and cellist and the official lyricist-in-residence at Futurepoem. Her new full-length CD, produced by Brad Albetta at MonkeyBoy Studios, will be released in the fall. In addition to her own work, she has toured and performed with many bands and songwriters, including Rasputina, Rex, Him, Illuminati, and The
Luminescent Orchestrii.

*Rachel Levitsky
Rachel Levitsky is the author of Under the Sun and is about to complete the manuscript of a treatise called Neighbor. A segment of her novella “The Story of My Accident is Ours” is online at Conjunctions (see above).

*Dan Machlin
Dan Machlin’s first full-length book of poems is forthcoming from Ugly Duckling Presse this fall. He is the author of several chapbooks “6×7” (Ugly Duckling Presse), “This Side Facing You” (Heart Hammer), and “In Rem” (@ Press). His poems and reviews have recently appeared or are forthcoming in Antennae, Boog Lit, Crayon, Cy Press, Fence, Soft Targets, and Tarpaulin Sky. He is the founding editor and publisher of Futurepoem books.

*Kitchen Press
Kitchen Press is a micro-press run out of Hell’s Kitchen, NYC, and is a member of CLMP. Its purpose is to publish quality handmade chapbooks by emerging poets.

*Ana Bozicevic-Bowling
Ana Bozicevic-Bowling is a Croatian poet writing in English. She co-edits RealPoetik. Look for her recent work in the Denver Quarterly, In Posse, The New York Quarterly, Octopus Magazine, her chapbook Document (Octopus Books, forthcoming), and The Bedside Guide to No Tell Motel – Second Floor .

*Chris Tonelli
Chris Tonelli lives in Cambridge, Mass. where he runs The So and So Series. He has work forthcoming in Drunken Boat, Good Foot, H_NGM_N, and Open Letters, and the anthologies The Bedside Guide to No Tell Motel ­ Second Floor and Outside Voices¹ 2008 Anthology of Younger Poets. His chapbook, Wide Tree: Short Poems, is available from Kitchen Press.

*Litmus Press/Aufgabe
Litmus Press is the publishing program of Ether Sea Projects, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit literature and arts organization dedicated to supporting innovative, cross-genre writing, with an emphasis on poetry and international works in translation. We aim to foster local, national, and international dialogue and interaction by presenting original writing from the U.S. alongside translations into English. By supporting translators, poets, and other writers, and by organizing and participating in public events, we hope to illuminate the
fundamental common bond between languages and to actualize the potential linguistic, cultural, and political benefits of literary exchange on the international level. We seek to provide continuing and consistently high quality venues for such exchange and discussion to ensure that our poetic communities remain open-minded and vital.

*Brenda Iijima
Brenda Iijima is the author of Around Sea (O Books). Her book Eco Quarry Bellwether is forthcoming from Outside Voices. She is the editor of Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs.

*Idra Novey
Idra Novey¹s poetry and translations have appeared in the journals Circumference, The Literary Review, Poetry International, Washington Square, and Rattapallax, where she is an editor. She has received a grant from the PEN Translation Fund and is at work on a translated collection of poems by Brazilian writer Paulo Henriques Britto. She teaches writing at Columbia University.

**Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs
Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs publishes poetic works: subtle and intense forms of public exchange and autonomous expressions‹dynamic in awareness‹luminous in form. Emphasis: diversity and interconnection‹social, cultural, environmental, and aesthetic.

*John Coletti
John Coletti grew up in Santa Rosa, California, and Portland, Oregon before moving to New York City 14 years ago. He is the author of The New Normalcy (Boog Literature) and Street Debris (Fell Swoop), a collaboration with poet Greg Fuchs, with whom he also co-edits Open 24 Hours Press. He is the Poetry Project Newsletter editor.

*Jennifer Firestone
Jennifer Firestone is the author of Holiday, an interrogation of the relationships among observation, travel, and consumerism, which is forthcoming from Shearsman Books. Her chapbooks from Flashes, an excerpt from a long prose poem exploring money, war, and urban culture, and snapshot, which is a selection from Holiday, are published by Sona
Books. Her work has appeared in numerous journals, including Boog City, Can We
Have Our Ball Back, Dusie, 580 Split, 14 Hills, How2, MIPOesias, and Moria. She
is the co-editor of the anthology Letters To Poets: Conversations About Poetics, Politics and Community, forthcoming from Saturnalia Books, and the recipient of grant-supported writing residencies at the Ragdale Foundation, the Constance Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts, and the Vermont Studio Center. Jennifer lives in Brooklyn with her partner and their infant twins. She is Poet in Residence at Eugene Lang College at the New School

*Martha Oatis
Martha Oatis grew up in Massachusetts and lives in Brooklyn. She teaches poetry in the New York public school system. from Two Percept is her first chapbook.

*Marianne Shaneen
Marianne Shaneen is a poet and a filmmaker. Her recent documentary film project has to do with the Furry culture. Lucent Amnesis is her debut chapbook. She lives in Brooklyn.

**Ugly Duckling Presse
Ugly Duckling Presse is a small, collectively run press based in Brooklyn. It produces books and hand-bound chapbooks of contemporary American poetry, “lost” literary works, collaborations between poets and artists, and works in translation, as well as the poetry periodical 6×6 and a free newspaper of art and politics, New York Nights. Recent and forthcoming publications include books by local poets Elizabeth Reddin and Kostas Anagnopoulos, translations of the Romanian poet Mariana Marin and the Czech poet Ivan
Blatny, and the complete minimal poems of Aram Saroyan.

*Steve Dalachinsky
Steve Dalachinsky’s books include The Final Nite & Other Poems (Ugly Duckling Presse), Trial and Error in Paris (Loudmouth Collective Press), In Glorious Black and White (Ugly Duckling Presse), Race Poems w/Nathaniel Farrell (collages only) (Ugly Duckling Presse), Trust Fund Babies (Pitchfork Press), and Poems for Laureamont (Furniture Press). His work is included in The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry. His CDs include Incomplete
Directions, I Thought It Was the End of the World, and Pray for Me.

*Edwin Frank
Edwin Frank is the author of Stack and The Further Adventures of Pinocchio.
In his spare time he edits the NYRB Classics series.

*Elizabeth Reddin
Elizabeth Reddin was born in Torrance , Calif. at the Little Company of Mary Hospital, and she moved to New York City in 1993. She plays music in the story band Legends with Raquel Vogl and James Loman, and teaches GED classes. Her work has been published in the Brooklyn Rail as well as UDP’s New York Nights newspaper and 6×6 poetry magazine. Please write to her at elizabethreddin@gmail.com.

*Laura Solomon
Laura Solomon¹s books include Bivouac (Slope Editions), Blue and Red Things
(Ugly Duckling Presse), and Haiku des Pierres / Haiku of Stones by PierreConverset (Apogée Press), the latter a translation from the French with Sika Fakambi. Recently her work has appeared alongside London artist Abel Auer’s in the traveling exposition and anthology Poets on Painters, and in various magazines including Cannibal, the Denver Quarterly, and Weird Deer. Originally from the southeast, she has traveled to 29 of the 50 states, has lived in France, and is on route for Italy. She works as an adult literacy tutor in Philadelphia, where she lives with musician Nicola Battisti and their cat Drambuie.

**Wilderside Media


Wilderside Media supports independent politics, local music, and poetry on Long Island. Wilderside Media does publicity to the local media and on a popular blog; hosts its own events; videotapes a variety of community programs; and broadcasts on the web and on public access television. Wilderside Media¹s presence is often signaled by the appearance of multi-colored fliers providing a constant flow of information on what is happening in the world of culture and politics.

*Ellen Pober Rittberg

Ellen Pober Rittberg is a poet, playwright, and fiction writer. Her essays and feature writing has appeared in the N.Y. Daily News, The New York Times, and Newsday. Her poems have appeared in Flutter Journal, Kansas Quarterly, and Long Island Quarterly.

*Lois V. Walker


Lois Walker, a retired school teacher, is a widely published poet, a retired chairperson of the Long Island Poetry Collective, a past editor and production manager for XANADU, an international little magazine for poetry, an editor for other volumes of poetry and art as well as a practicing artist. She has read her poetry in Manhattan and on Long Island many times. She read her “Nadezhda Poems,” (a sequence written on poets persecuted under Stalin] in Santa Monica, California for “Inner Exiles: Shadow Poets, Paintings & Poetry” a solo show of her art work at the Sylvia White Gallery. From the early eighty’s into the ninety’s she hosted “Sound of Poetry,” a radio show from Adelphi University in Garden City. In the 80’s she also served at the Huntington Arts Council for New York State Decentralization Grants. She works with individuals as a consultant for their writing and of course enjoys working for groups under the sponsorship of Taproot Workshops Inc. Her visual artwork has been shown in Europe and throughout the United States.

*George Wallace


George Wallace is author of fourteen chapbooks published in the US, UK and Italy, and editor of Poetrybay, Poetryvlog and other literary publications. A regular on the performance scene in Manhattan, he travels widely to perform his work and to teach creative writing workshops, with recent appearances at the Woody Guthrie Festival (Oklahoma), Kerouac Festival (Lowell Ma), Rexroth Festival (Cleveland), the Beat Museum (San Francisco) and Dylan Thomas Centre (Wales). In 2003 he was named first poet laureate for Suffolk County.

*Ian Wilder

Ian Wilder is the former Green Party of New York State co-chair. His spoken word appears on the Nylon & Steel album Slip Behind the Molecule.

*Kimberly Wilder

The War in Iraq is a constant weight on Kimberly Wilder’s thoughts. She is trying to do poetry anyway. Fallujah.

*Wolfgang Vann

Wolfgang Vann was born in Queens Hospital. He has read at Whitman Birthplace and the Vault in Queens. Vann’s visual art can currently be seen at the Pisces Cafe and in the homes of private collectors. He has played bass for Wayne Conklin, Junior Isley, and Joe Adams. http://www.newrenaissancestudios.com http://www.imagekind.com


Celebrate American Revolution: Independence Day Week at Vox Pop!

Vox Pop is celebrating America’s independence the only way we know how: with community-empowering events, live music, an art opening, and lots of BBQ, all week long.

Spend your Independence Day with Vox Pop as we discuss Brooklyn’s role in the American Revolution with “Meet the Cortelyous,” a presentation on the namesake for our street: Jaques Cortelyou. Borough of Brooklyn historian Ron Schweiger will give a talk from 2-3 PM. For lunch, grill master “Tío Tim” serves up dry-rubbed lamb, ribs, chicken, and rabbit (as well as veggie kebabs and veggie burgers) grilled with “Tío Tim’s Top Secret Sauce.” From 7 PM to 8:30 PM, vaudevillian performer/magician/escape artist Jared Rydelek and others will perform the Vox Pop Variety Show. Bring friends and
family for a truly unique Fourth of July picnic at Vox Pop!

July 5th puts the spotlight on local independent artists with “An American Response,” an art opening with live music, delicious food, and original art beginning at 7 PM. Protests and pamphlets aren’t the only way to speak your mind, and we¹re giving Brooklyn’s established and up-and-coming artists a chance to promote their message as well as their work in the largest group art show in Vox Pop¹s history. Artists will include photographer
George Hirose and painter Andrew Lenaghan, alongside the work of their students and
contemporaries. The BBQ starts at 1 PM, so get there early to grab your plate before the festivities start!

July 6th kicks off Vox Pop’s “Declaration of Independence: A Festival of Poetry and Music” at 1 PM and continuing all weekend with the Buffalo Poets and Boog City’s d.a. levy lives: celebrating the renegade press series in exile. There will also be a reading from the late Reverend Pedro Pietri’s If You Can Sleep, You are Heartless by his son, Speedo Pietri, and BBQ will be served from 1-9 PM amid live music and poetry readings all weekend.

On July 7th, editor Michael Tyrell will present selections from Broken Land: Poems of Brooklyn, followed by readings from authors published by Futurepoem Books, Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs, Belladonna Books, Litmus Press/Aufgabe, and Ugly Duckling Presse.

July 8th brings writers from Kitchen Press, Wilderside Media, and Bowery Books to the stage to wrap up a weekend of words, music, and irresistible food.

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  1. […] Vox Pop’s Declaration of Independence: A Festival of Poetry and Music 7/6/ -7/8/07 […]

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