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Stop Broadwater Wed 11/7/07

Stop Broadwater

On Wednesday, November 7, 2007 at 7pm, the Babylon Green Party will feature an update from the Anti-Broadwater Coalition www.stopbroadwater.org with Maureen Dolan, Executive Programs Manager of Citizens Campaign for the Environment www.citizenscampaign.org. The new location for the Babylon Green Party gathering is at Pisces Cafe, 14A Railroad Avenue, Babylon, NY (631-321-1231) Come hungry! www.piscescafe.net (map)

Energy companies are currently attempting to build dozens of large, dangerous Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) importation facilities onshore and offshore of some of our coastal communities throughout America, Canada, Europe and Mexico. A facility called “Broadwater” is planned off of Wading River on the North Shore of Long Island.

Broadwater, a joint venture between Shell and TransCanada Energy, is a proposal to place a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal in the middle of the Long Island Sound, approximately 9 miles from Rocky Point. The LNG terminal would be permanently moored to the bottom of LIS—destroying 13,000 square feet of critical habitat for lobsters. The LNG terminal would also require 2-3 LNG tankers per week, causing constant disruption to the waterway. A new 22-mile pipeline would be required to transport the gas into the existing Iroquois Pipeline.

LI Sound

Click to enlarge above image

Recently, the United States Coast Guard’s Safety and Security Report and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement were released regarding the proposed Broadwater Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal proposed for the middle of the Long Island Sound.

The massive LNG terminal will forever change the way we currently use the Sound!

  • A Permanent NO Public Access Zone and an Additional Moving No Access Zone A “no public access zone” of 1.5 square miles will surround the LNG terminal. This means that for the first time in the Sound’s history, a section of the open water body will be given over to a private corporation. Gunned security vessels would patrol the no access zone 24/7. No fishing, boating, canoeing, swimming or sailing will be allowed. The Coast Guard report mandates an additional moving “no public access zone” around the incoming LNG tankers that would be 2 miles in front, 1 mile in back and 750 yards on each side. Armed escort boats would surround the tankers as they transverse the Sound, marking the moving zone and requiring all vessels to get out of the way.
  • Problems and disruptions in “The Race”“The Race”, named for its strong currents and navigational challenges, is the main passageway into the Sound. There would be 2-3 LNG tankers that enter The Race each week. The Coast Guard report identified that The Race as having a heavy concentration of recreational fisherman throughout the boating season.

These security zones would disrupt and conflict with traditional uses including commercial and recreational fishing, boating activities, fishing, shell fishing, sailing and even enjoyment of our beaches.

The Broadwater Energy proposal is awaiting a New York State consistency ruling under the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA). Click here for a CZMA summary and to learn why Broadwater is inconsistent with the values and uses of Long Island Sound and therefore should be denied.

The Anti-Broadwater Coalition serves to alert, inform and protect our Long Island communities that are now facing the imminent peril of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) proliferation, which would have a disastrous impact on our residential communities if we just sit idly by.

Only the construction of nuclear energy plants would be more dangerous for our residential communities.

Building a liquid natural gas (LNG) storage facility in the middle of Long Island Sound would be turning a wonderful natural resource and national treasure that hugs the entire Long Island shoreline into an industrial site.

The Sound is one of the most beautiful and significant bodies of water in the United States. In 1987, after Congress allocated funds for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to research, monitor, and assess the water quality of the Sound, it became designated as an “Estuary of National Significance.” It contains thousands of species of wildlife, and is a vital part of our nation’s environment. And, it provides employment and recreational opportunities for hundreds of thousands of people throughout our region.

Over the past ten years, the federal government, and the states of Connecticut and New York, have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to restore and protect the water quality of this national treasure.

TransCanada and Shell have also made it clear that the natural gas they would import to the factory-like facility they call “Broadwater” will be from sources outside of North America. The proposal for a natural gas storage facility in the middle of Long Island Sound is not environmentally sustainable. A sustainable project would have to incorporate both an aggressive energy efficiency and conservation effort.

In addition to Citizens Campaign for the Environment, members of the Anti-Broadwater Coalition include Citizens for a Progressive Energy Policy;Eastern Long Island Audubon Society; Environmental Advocates of New York; Grassroots Environmental Education;Greenpeace; Long Island Citizens Action Network;Long Island Drinking Water CoalitionLong Island Environmental Voters Forum;Long Island Pine Barrens Society;Long Island Progressive Coalition;New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG); Peconic Baykeeper; Renewable Energy Long Island; Solar Community Corp.; and the Sustainable Energy Alliance of Long Island.

Citizens Campaign for the Environment (CCE) was formed in 1985 by a small group of concerned citizens who recognized the need to provide public involvement in the course of advancing stronger environmental policy. Today, after 20 years as a not-for-profit, non-partisan advocacy organization, CCE has grown to an 80,000-member organization with offices in throughout New York State. CCE continues to work to empower the public by providing members with opportunities to participate in the political process and thereby advance a progressive environmental agenda.

Through education, research, lobbying and public outreach, CCE helps citizens to increase their influence and activism, both individually and collectively. Through such activism, citizens will have a stronger voice in the development of public policies and legislative agendas. CCE’s experienced program staff works to identify key environmental concerns in communities across New York State and coastal Connecticut. By working with other environmental activists and through ongoing communication with local, state and federal elected officials and environmental and public health agencies, CCE has been successful in advancing policies and programs that benefit the natural environment and public health. Our achievements through public involvement have resulted in greater awareness and protection of drinking water quality, preservation of open spaces and a reduction in pollutants that impair our air and water resources.

The next first Wednesday Babylon Green Party Gathering is December 5, 2007 , It will be our annual Green Party Holiday Party featuring Feminist Folk Singer Holley Anderson. www.hollygoanarchy.com For directions to the Babylon Green Gathering, call 422-4702 or email ian.wilder@yahoo.com Children are welcome. All gatherings are Free of Charge, and Open to the Public.You can enroll in the Green Party by checking the box marked “Other” on the voter registration form and writing in the word “Green” on the line next to it. Click here to find a voter registration form. You can send donations to the Green Party of Suffolk,14 Robin Drive, Huntington, NY 11743.###

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4 Responses

  1. […] wilderside wrote a fantastic post today on “Stop Broadwater Wed 11/7/07″Here’s ONLY a quick extractBuilding a liquid natural gas (LNG) storage facility in the middle of Long Island Sound would be turning a wonderful natural resource and national treasure that hugs the entire Long Island shoreline into an industrial site. … […]

  2. Why do they need the make a terminal? Can’t they build a bridge or something?

  3. […] Maureen Dolan of the Citizen’s Campaign for the Environment spoke at the 11/2/07 Babylon Green Party Gathering at the Pisces Cafe in Babylon, NY on the Broadwater Project slated to be constructed in the LI Sound. More information at Stop Broadwater Wed 11/7/07 […]

  4. […] Stop Broadwater Wed 11/7/07 press release […]

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