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News: Nader sues Democratic Party (and related video)

Video from on thewilderside.net:
(see quote from video in text at bottom)

Ralph Nader Sues Democrat Party
from Anorak, a UK publication

RALPH Nader is unhappy:

Nader’s lawsuit, filed in District of Columbia Superior Court, also named as co-defendants Kerry’s campaign, the Service Employees International Union and several so-called 527 organizations such as America Coming Together, which were created to promote voter turnout on behalf of the Democratic ticket.

The lawsuit also alleges that the Democratic National Committee conspired to force Nader off the ballot in several states.

“The Democratic Party is going after anyone who presents a credible challenge to their monopoly over their perceived voters,” Nader said in a statement. “This lawsuit was filed to help advance a free and open electoral process for all candidates and voters. Candidate rights and voter rights nourish each other for more voices, choices, and a more open and competitive democracy.”

Previous quote from Nader (included in archival video above) :

“Historically, the great ideas that have animated social justice and driven it to some sort of success in our country, have all come from 3rd parties. And, aren’t we glad that ballot access barriers were much lower in the 19th century than they are today, much less obstructive?

Because, that allowed the Liberty Party, the Anti-slavery Party, the Women’s Right to Vote Party, the Labor Party, the Populist Party, the Farmer Party to get on the ballot.

And, aren’t we glad that there were some voters in the 19th century who didn’t say, “Well, we’re going to vote for the least-worst on the issue of slavery between the Whig Party and the Democratic Party.”? Who, instead voted for the small party that led the fight electorally, speaking out against slavery?

Aren’t we glad there were some voters who didn’t try to figure out who was the least-worst on the women’s right to vote between the Democrats and the Republicans? And, supported the women’s right to vote or the Woman Suffrage Party?

Well, if we like that, then we should like it in the 21st century, as well.”

-Ralph Nader
2007 Green Party Annual Meeting in Reading, PA

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Thanks to this site for posting the video:

One Response

  1. Thanks for posting this video!

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