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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Reflections on Occupy Wall Street, with photos, fun, and good wishes for the future. eBook, Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? (Only $.99 !) In the eBook, the Occupy movement is explored through original reporting, photographs, cartoons, poetry, essays, and reviews.The collection of essays and blog posts records the unfolding of Occupy into the culture from September 2011 to the present.  Authors Kimberly Wilder and Ian Wilder were early supporters of Occupy, using their internet platforms to communicate the changes being created by the American Autumn.

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Poets in Port Schedule

November 30, 2007 Kathaleen Donnelly

Poets in Port will feature Kathaleen Donnelly at 7:30 pm on [the last Friday of the Month] Friday, November 30, 2007 at Caffé Portofino, 249 Main St., Northport, opposite the theatre. There will also be an Open Reading — the audience is encouraged to bring their poems and participate. For more information, contact Steven Schmidt.

Kathaleen Donnelly, graduate of St.Vincent’s School of Nursing, currently a Nurse Practitioner in Cardiology at Stony Brook University Hospital. Earned a M.A. in Philosophy while working 12 years in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit through the 1990’s. Single mother, son Keith. Opened and ran Whispering Wonders Child Care Center in Port Jefferson Village for 12 years. A member of the Sweetbriar Photography Club, and new poet with published/awarded poems:

  • ‘Whistles’—10th Anniversary Issue of Literary Review, A Publication of Performance Poets Association, and ‘Solitude’ in the 11th issue.
  • ‘Claire’s House’—Long Island Quarterly. (2006)
  • ‘August Days’—Second Place, Princess Ronkonkoma 4th Annual Poetry Contest (2006) and ‘First Swim of the Season’—Honorable Mention, humor category.
  • ‘Aging Remedy’—Songs of Seasoned Women, QUADRASOUL, INC. (2007)
  • ‘Lost in Autumn’, ‘The Wind Calls’ and ‘Impossible’—2007 L.I. Sounds Anthology.

Evening on the Beach

A small blond boy
stands at the shoreline
hurling flat rocks into the water,
surprised each time
they don’t skim the surface;
tries again,
and again.

Seagulls glide along the water’s skin,
fly towards me as I float atop,
not edible,
fly on.

On the beach, they avoid
airborne rocks;
sense danger.
How do their bird brains know?

Exposed green haired rocks
announce low tide;
I swim three feet
above a sandy floor.

The sun peaks between clouds.
Sunrays strike the sea,
leave a shimmering trail.
I could follow it,
circumvent the globe,
if land mass didn’t block the way.

My small friend leaves me,
I am alone on a beach on Long Island.
Where is everyone
on a hot mid August eve?

No matter. I am with the shimmering sea.


December 28, 2007 Phil Reinstein reading poems by
Marie Emmons Wayne Reinstein

January 25, 2008 JoAnn Proscia

February 29, 2008 Barbara Reiher-Meyers

March 28, 2008 Michelle Whittaker and Kempton van Hoff

April 25, 2008 Gladys Henderson

May 30, 2008 Thomas Brinson

September 26, 2008 Doug Sweezey, Kate Kelly, and others reading
poems by Jean Schmidt aka Grace Darling

It’s all here:

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