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Environmental Review for Pinelawn Power

from Environmental Review Notices 


Pinelawn Power LLC
C/O Harbert Power LLC
One Riverchase Pkwy
Birmingham, AL 35244


Pinelawn Power
380 Patton AVE|NEXT to Babylon Resource Recovery
West Babylon, NY 11704

Application ID:


Permit(s) Applied for:

Article 19 Air Title V Facility

Project is Located:

Babylon, Suffolk County

Project Description:

The Department has prepared a draft permit and has made a tentative determination to issue a renewal Title V Permit for the operation of Pinelawn Power LLC. This facililty is a duel fuel fired nominal 50 MW (simple cycle operation) or a nominal 79.9 MW (combined cycle operation) combustion turbine generation station that sells power to the Long Island Power Authority. The primary fuel is natural gas with low sulfur distillate oil (0.05% by weight sulfur content kerosene) as a backup fuel. NOx is the controlling pollutant and its emissions, as well as VOCs, are capped at 22.5 tons/year. Emissions of NOx are controlled with water injection and a SCR. Emissions of CO and VOC are controlled with an oxidation catalyst. Ancillary equipment includes a once through steam generator, a natural gas fired duct burner, a steam turbine generator, steam condenser, and cooling tower. The facility is located at 380 Patton Ave, West Babylon, NY.

In accordance with 6NYCRR Parts 621.7(b)(9) and 201-6.4(c), the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has the authority to bar issuance of any Title V Facility Permit if it is determined not to be in compliance with applicable requirements of the Clean Air Act or 6NYCRR Part 201.

Persons wishing to inspect the subject Title V files, including the application with all relevant supporting materials, the draft permit, and all other materials available to the DEC (the “permitting authority”) that are relevant to this permitting decision should contact the DEC representative listed below. The Draft Permit and Permit Review Report may be viewed and printed from the Department web site at: http://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/32249.html.

DEC will evaluate the application and the comments received on it to determine whether to hold a public hearing. Comments and requests for a public hearing should be in writing and addressed to the Department representative listed below. A copy of the Department’s permit hearing procedures is available upon request or on the Department web site at: http://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/6234.html.

Filed application documents, and Department draft permtis where applicable, are available for inspection during normal business hours at the address of the contact person. To ensure timely service at the time of inspection, it is recommended that an appointment be made with the contact person.

Availability of Application Documents:

Filed application documents, and Department draft permits where applicable, are available for inspection during normal business hours at the address of the contact person. To ensure timely service at the time of inspection, it is recommended that an appointment be made with the contact person.

This project is subject to the Department’s Environmental Justice Policy and an enhanced public participation plan has been prepared and accepted as a component of application completeness. As part of the plan, a document repository has been established near the project area that contains application and project related materials. Information on the repository location and other outreach components of the plan is available from the identified DEC contact.

State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Determination:

Project is not subject to SEQR because it is a Type II action.

SEQR Lead Agency: None Designated

State Historic Preservation Act (SHPA) Determination:

A Structural-Archaeological Assessment Form has been completed. The proposed activity will not impact on registered, eligible or inventoried archaeological sites or historic structures.

Coastal Management:

This project is not located in a Coastal Management area and is not subject to the Waterfront Revitalization and Coastal Resources Act.

Opportunity for Public Comment:

Comments on this project must be submitted in writing to the Contact Person no later than Jan 18, 2008.


Carol A Farkas
NYSDEC Region 1 Headquarters
SUNY @ Stony BROOK|50 Circle Rd
Stony Brook, NY 11790

One Response

  1. It’s better than nucelar stations. However it still polutes air…

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