Cynthia McKinney Speaks of Violations of 1965 Voters Rights Act
The Michael Cavlan for US Senate campaign in Minnesota notes that while there is a lot of talk of the legacy of Reverend Dr Martin Luther King, Jr., there is only one presidential candidate who is actually speaking on the issue that drove Dr King. That issue of course is the violations of the 1965 Voter Rights Act that were the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections. Rep. Cynthia McKinney goes into this issue on the campaign trail and in her movie American Blackout. It is also true that Cynthia McKinney is the only candidate who is truly looking out for the interests of the poor in our nation. On the issue of the war also, Cynthia McKinney is willing to face the military industrial complex and stand up to the war profiteers. In all these aspects, McKinney is the only candidate for president who actually follows in the legacy of Dr King.
We in the Cavlan for US Senate campaign note with a sense of irony that Rep. McKinney is getting no coverage on this issue, which is central and critical to the future of our democracy by the mainstream media. We also notice, with a further sense of irony that while Rep. McKinney is talking about the very direct violations of the 1965 Voter Rights
Act there are other candidates for president who are not. That includes Barack Obama, John Edwards who was the vice-presidential candidate who “conceded” in Ohio 2004 and sadly not even Dennis Kucinich, whose own constituents in Ohio were targeted and disenfranchised in the 2004 election.
Cavlan, who was an Official Green Party Observer in the 2004 Ohio Re-count states that “If you believe in the integrity and future of our democracy, if you want to end the war on the people of Iraq and Afghanistan, if you want a new independent investigation into the events of September 11th, if you want accountability and Impeachment for the criminals in the Bush Regime then your only presidential candidate is Cynthia McKinney. Have the courage to support her if these issues are important to you.”
The Cavlan campaign for US Senate fully supports Rep. McKinney in her bid for Green Party endorsement and for the presidency. After meeting her last month in Minneapolis, we are now not just supporters of Cynthia, we consider her to be a friend.
In the very near future, the Cavlan campaign shall be doing house parties and showings of the movie American Blackout, which documents the events surrounding the 2000 and 2004 elections as was way to fundraise and build up both McKinney’s and Cavlan’s campaigns. In an ultimate sense of irony, we also note that the movie American Blackout also exonerates a real American hero, Ralph Nader and shows the truth of what happened with the 2000 election in Florida and just how the Democratic Party and media mislead the American people on events with that election.
Filed under: activism, Ballot issues, cynthia mckinney, election, elections, grassroots democracy, Green Party Websites, presidential race, Press Release
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