Paper Ballots for NY!
by Bo Lipari
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” -Mohandas Gandhi
I’m pleased to announce that after five years of hard work on the part of voting integrity advocates, New York State has rejected DREs {touch screen voting]and approved only the Automark and the Sequoia ImageCast scanner/marker for use in 2008 polling places. This momentous decision by the State Board of Elections virtually guarantees that New York State will vote on paper ballots and ballot scanners when it finally replaces lever machines in 2009.
[My preference is hand-counted paper ballots like Canada does over any form of electronic voting. Electronic voting is just not secure or mature enough to be trusted.. But at least we ducked touch screen voting which is the worst of all possible choices. – ISW]
Filed under: Ballot issues, election, elections, New York State Politics, Political Websites, US Politics
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