Want to run for office as a Green?
Green Party candidates can apply to the national Green Party for support and/or funds. Please apply to the Green Party of the United States Coordinated Campaign Committee by February 21 for campaign funds to be allocated in Mid March. (Check in to see if Senate candidates should apply to the special GP-US Senate support committee.)
Greens, now that the new CCC has been seated, it is time to open up the application process so that the CCC get get resources into the hands of local candidates around the country. Right now we have in the data base 92 local candidates for 2008. Our goal is 1000. We can not get to this goal without you.Applications for monetary and non-monetary support can be found at: http://gp.org/committees/campaign/quest.shtml
The CCC can help with candidate recruitment, but primarily as an
instigator and resource. The recruitment is going to go on in your
local communities. The tools we offer are varied, but maybe the most
important is this. If you know any candidate or potential candidate
who can use advice on how to get a campaign up and running, can use a
conversation with an experienced campaign consultant, wants help
interviewing a campaign manager or treasurer, needs someone to review
written materials, get them up to speed on media work, or just needs
someone to talk to about a campaign or potential campaign, the CCC has
someone who will talk to the candidate and help them figure it out.
We can help candidates run better races, and be a sounding board for
someone mulling a campaign, trying to figure out if they can pull
together what it needs.
That ought to give you a better recruiting tool, but you still have to
recruit. Then give them a CCC contact, either through the website or
the national office, and maybe we can finish the deal, let them know
we stand behind them. In addition to talking to any candidate or
potential candidate who comes our way, something we have been doing
more and more of, we have started calling state parties to make sure
that not only NC members are aware of our existence and services, but
also state officers. In the next few weeks nearly every state will
get a call so we can talk up what we do.
The Coordinated Campaign Committee was actually created to give away
money to Green candidates, and while we mostly do consulting these
days, we still give away money when we can. We can not guarantee at
this point what the National Committee will allocate for spring
candidates support, but the Tier ONE budget calls for $4000 to be
allocated this year. The committee has had a preliminary discussion
about how to allocate the money. Do we donate $2000 now and $2000 in
the fall? (assuming the CCC gets it full allocation) Or do we spend
some now, but keep more than 50% of the yearly allocation for the
fall, when more candidates are running and the races are bigger. The
committee is leaning towards holding back more money for fall, but we
are unsure of exactly how it will shake out.
In any case the CCC hereby opens up the application period for Green
candidates to apply for funds. The application is included below as
is the link to the application on the website and should be returned
to us by February 21. It states on the applications where they ought
to be sent. There actually two applications, a short one for
candidates seeking website templates, advice, and other non monetary
resources, and a longer one for candidates seeking monetary resources.
The application is designed so that it can be useful to candidates to
fill out even if they do not garner any cash from us. It asks
candidates to write down their campaign and fundraising plans. Every
candidate ought to have a well thought out written plan, written so it
can be shared with appropriate campaign workers and volunteers, and
the act of writing the plan stimulates further thought about the
campaign and helps the candidates be more aware and better candidates.
The CCC promises that it will review every campaign plan sent, and
beyond scoring them and allocating resources, we shall have a
discussion about the plan with every Green candidate who desires that
We have added two conditions to the awarding of resources this year.
1. All candidates which accept CCC support will be asked to fill out
a brief survey about their experiences with the CCC following their
campaign to help us improve our support offerings for the next
election cycle.
2. Candidates are asked to look into their state’s campaign
contribution laws and make sure that it will be legal for the CCC to
offer support to their campaign.
Filed under: election, elections, Green Party Websites
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