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Cynthia McKinney puts MLK’s legacy in current terms

McKinney: King like hero of ‘Matrix,’ seeking truth

Most Americans, in King’s day as well as our own, [6-time Congresswoman and Green Party Presidential hopeful Cynthia] McKinney said, have chosen to swallow the equivalent of the film’s [Matrix’s] blue pill, the one that keeps them safe in a cocoon of official lies, distortions and disinformation propagated by the government, corporate America and especially the corporate news media.

Since his death, McKinney said, King’s memory has been soft-pedaled and made palatable by these same forces. Lost in the ensuing years is the fact that King was harassed and spied upon by the CIA, vilified in the mainstream media and finally, McKinney said, murdered by a conspiracy hatched in “the bowels of the Pentagon,” in cooperation with U.S. military intelligence agencies and the mob.

McKinney urged her audience to “rise up in the spirit of Dr. King” by invoking a conversation between a pair of other characters from a sci-fi classic, TV’s “Star Trek.” She said the Vulcan Spock warned ship’s physician “Bones” McCoy that “Evil seeks to maintain power by suppressing the truth,” to which the testy Bones responded by reminding Spock that evil also intentionally misleads the innocent.

Read entire article.

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