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Green Party candidates compete in the February 5 Super Tuesday primaries in four states: Arkansas, California, Illinois, and Massachusetts
List of Green presidential candidates in each state, contact information for the four state Green Parties, links to candidates’ sites
Green Party voters across the US are awaiting the results of the Super Tuesday primary elections in Arkansas, California, Illinois, and Massachusetts. In all four of the states, Green candidates are competing for the presidential nomination.
Below is a listing of the Green candidates on the ballot in the four states, media contact information for each state, and web sites for the candidates.
The Green Party has opened a web page featuring videos of Green presidential candidates and debates <http://www.gp.org/2008-elections/presidential-videos.php>.
The party will choose its presidential and vice presidential nominees at the 2008 Green National Nominating Convention in Chicago, July 10-13.
Besides the Super Tuesday primaries, Green candidates will also compete in the February 12 primary in the District of Columbia. Currently, 21 state Green Parties hold ballot access within their respective states. Some Green Parties chose presidential candidates by caucus voting and by election of national convention delegates at state party conventions.
Green candidates on state ballots in the February 5 primaries:
ARKANSAS: Jared Ball*, Cynthia McKinney, Kent Mesplay, Kat Swift
Green Party of Arkansas: http://arkgreens.kk5.org/
CALIFORNIA: Jared Ball*, Elaine Brown*, Jesse Johnson, Cynthia McKinney, Kent Mesplay, Ralph Nader**, Kat Swift
Green Party of California: http://www.cagreens.org/
ILLINOIS: Jared Ball*, Howie Hawkins**, Cynthia McKinney, Kent Mesplay
Illinois Green Party: http://www.ilgp.org
MASSACHUSETTS: Jared Ball*, Ralph Nader**, Elaine Brown*, Kat Swift, Cynthia McKinney, Kent Mesplay http://www.sec.state.ma.us/ELE/eleidx.htm
Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts: http://www.massgreens.org/
* Although their names remain on the ballot in some states, Mr. Ball and Ms. Brown have
withdrawn from the Green presidential race.
** Mr. Hawkins is serving as a placeholder candidate on the ballot for Mr. Nader in some
states until Mr. Nader announces his intentions for the 2008 election; in other states, Mr. Nader is on the ballot.
WEB SITES for Green presidential candidates who are competing as of February 5:
Jesse Johnson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMxgYnmdHfg
Cynthia McKinney http://www.runcynthiarun.org
Kent Mesplay http://www.mesplay.org
Howie Hawkins http://www.draftnader.org
Ralph Nader http://www.naderexplore08.org (Exploratory Committee site)
Kat Swift http://www.bexargreens.org/katforprez
Filed under: election, elections, grassroots democracy, Green Party Websites, Ralph Nader, third party, US Politics Tagged: | Ralph Nader, third parties, unreasonable man
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