Arizona Green Party Ballot Access Drive likely Success!
“Individuals and State Green Parties from all around the nation should be proud of their united effort to gain ballot access in Arizona. This effort represents the good aspects of the Green Party and what we can do when we work together” said Richard Scott, Co-coordinator Arizona Ballot Access Drive. “Working together for change is refreshing and Arizona petitioners have had their spirits buoyed by this incredible flow of financial and on-the-ground help.”
There have been numerous guest from out of State helping in both Tucson and Phoenix. Charlie Howe from Carbondale, IL helped in the Phoenix area for a week and assisted with gathering of over 1000 signatures. There have been many more volunteers including Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates. 9 people helped over the last weekend and together assisted in the gathering of over 1000 signatures in the Phoenix area. Craig Thorsen decided to stay and help for another week and others have volunteered to travel to Arizona to help in the final week of effort. Tucson has had 4 volunteers including Kevin O’Connor who has assisted for a week and helped increase Tucson numbers by 2000.
The National Ballot Access Committee helped the effort in Arizona by donating $5000. The early donation helped motivate efforts to seek matching funds. Arizona did a mail solicitation not only for funds but included blank petitions which are now being returned partially or totally filled. Then Greg Jan stepped up to help by setting a goal and motivating all to help Arizona reach the goal. The goal was reached by February 26th. “I can’t thank everyone enough,” said Scott, “Arizona would never have made it on its own”.
Current numbers are 13605 in hand with 15000 scheduled from a professional petitioning company and numbers from Tucson are expected to increase this total by 3000. Projected total is 31,605 to be turned in by March 6th. Arizona’s requirement is for 20449 good signatures and if 31,605 are turned in should provide a challenge cushion.
Green Presidential Candidates (left to right):
Kent Mesplay, Jesse Johnson and Kat Swift in Arizona
(photo courtesy: Babette Hogan, Polidoc Productions)Green Party Candidates Petition and Debate in Arizona
The candidates traveled to Arizona to aid with the ballot access drive in progress there. They attended a press conference and forum held on Sunday, February 24th at Mesa Public Library. The candidates expressed their views on a number of topics generated from questions asked by members of the audience.
Candidates in attendance were Jesse Johnson, Kent Mesplay, Kat Swift – all Presidential Candidates and Sedinam Kinamo Moyowasifza-Curry a Candidate for Vice President.
“Unifying Through Communication” is Jesse Johnson’s creed. Jesse offers a fresh perspective on a cleaner, better, more stable future; he has an entirely new conversation. Jesse Johnson says, “we can clean up the environment, improve the economy by going green, help America to be a better world partner, and bring ethics, trust, and wisdom back to Washington.” Website:
Kent Mesplay is a “native son” who supports a number of policy positions that resonate in Indian country. Kent, who is of Blackfoot heritage, is seeking the Green Party nomination for president. Kent says, “the Green Party is strong on the environment, social justice, community-based economics and other values that mesh harmoniously with traditional values.” Website:
Kat Swift is a Green Party activist from San Antonio, Texas. At age 34, she is the youngest candidate seeking this office in 2008. Website:
Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry (SKCM Curry) is a vice presidential nominee for the 2008 Green Party of the United States national slate. She has six years of involvement in the Green Party at the local, state, national level and internationally. SKCM Curry believes the way forward must be for Greens to emphasize tactics and traditional electoral politics to women, people of color, and progressives in a clear and measurable manner.
A former six-term Member of Congress from Georgia and Green Party Presidential Candidate, Cynthia McKinney was unable to attend
Live Green! Vote Green!
The country is crying for change and we have an answer: Live Green! Vote Green!
July 10-13th, 2008 in Chicago IL the Green Party of the United States will convene for its Presidential Nominating Convention and National Meeting. The Annual National Meeting Committee along with local Greens are working hard to put on the best convention the Green Party has ever seen.
The Green Party will be making its presidential candidate choice but that is only one aspect of the weekend. An amazing array of workshops will be offered for all to attend. Whether it be campaign related, dealing with environmental justice or a workshop about voter disenfranchisement there is something for everyone. The wealth of knowledge and expertise will be top notch.
Exceptional speakers have always been an aspect of our national meetings and conventions. In years past we have featured Jim Hightower, Tony Mazzocchi, John Anderson, Manning Marable, Helen Caldicott, David Brower and, of course, Ralph Nader and Winona LaDuke. This year will be no different.
Other events that weekend are in preliminary stages and could include a big rally, a concert, international Green reception, a candidate debate among several others.
Please click here to register for this monumental event at. The first 25 people who register will receive a free convention t-shirt when they check in at the event.
Also, there will soon be a local site with Chicago specific information, lodging and ride sharing boards, and volunteer sign up information. Please check back soon.
On behalf of the Annual National Meeting Committee of the Green Party of the United States we would like to welcome you to Chicago for the 2008 Green Party of the United States Presidential Nominating Convention and Annual Meeting. For more information on the convention go to:
Live Green! Vote Green!
Filed under: activism, Anti-War, Ballot issues, debate, election, elections, Green Party Websites, Political Websites, presidential race, Press Release, third party, US Politics Tagged: | third parties
Just wanted to suggest that we could beef up the paragraph describing Kat Swift who, though the youngest, has been one of the longest active members in the Green Party of the candidates. She has also taken on many leadership positions in the party in Texas, where, as she says, “You’ve got to be tough to be a Green in Texas.” It was Kat’s enthusiasm that brought the candidates to AZ for the weekend and she pulled out the most signatures that day. Kent and KCM Curry petitioned as well and Jesse, though delayed by plane was able to help out the next day.