HELP Friends of Edgewood! Sign a letter, Save a preserve and so much more!
Hello all,
Hope this finds you all well.
This is an important reminder that we need your letters in support of the legislation that will transfer more land to the Edgewood Preserve and forever protect it and the surrounding communities of Brentwood, Dix Hills and Deer Park from development.
A MS word format is attached in both English and Spanish (English first, Spanish second).
As you remember, last summer you did an amazing thing by sending more than 5,000 letters to Albany. That got the attention of the media and the local politicians. BECAUSE OF YOU they came together in a bi-partisan effort and introduced legislation that would make good on the provisions of the 1987 legislation that required the state Office of General Services to transfer land no longer needed by Pilgrim State Hospital to the adjacent Edgewood Oak Brush Plains Nature Preserve.
Our state laws are being ignored by the state itself. We must keep pressure on our state legislators and our new governor until they do the right thing and pass these bills.
Please, please, please if you have not already sent in your letter, do it today! Letters are due in early April! Print out the attached letter, sign it, and then print your name and address. Send the original to Assemblyman Silver and a copy to Friends of Edgewood.
Please pass this e-mail on to others. Print out copies or make copies and get family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc to sign them, this will help a great deal! Anyone who lives in New York State can and should sign this letter! If you represent a group, please consider sending a letter on group letterhead.
If you need a large volume, please let us know and we will get them to you.
Please, there may not be a second chance for this. Let Assemblyman Silver hear from you today! NUMBERS SPEAK VOLUMES! We must get thousands of letters in his mailbox!
Thank you so very, very much!! I know how busy your lives are, but if we can pull this off, just think how great you will feel to have been part of this effort — and victory! With your good help, all things are possible.
Cheers and all the best to you and yours,
Patricia Burkhart
Friends of the Edgewood Preserve
P.O. Box 162
Deer Park, NY 11729
RE: A09870 / S6728: The Transfer of Certain Lands to the Oak Brush Plain State Preserve
March 2008
The Honorable Sheldon Silver
Speaker of the Assembly
Legislative Office Building 932
Albany, NY 12248
Dear Assemblyman Silver:
I support the above-mentioned legislation, which will permanently protect the Edgewood-Oak Brush Plain State Preserve from further development, according to Chapter 635 of the Laws of 1987, which created the preserve. This legislation will save open space in an area of Long Island that is severely overdeveloped and suffering from air, noise and light pollution. More importantly, this legislation will ensure the sustainability of Long Island’s supply of clean drinking water and will satisfy the requirements of the 1987 Sole Source Aquifer Act, which limits development within the Deep Flow Recharge Area.
The Edgewood-Oak Brush Plain State Preserve is part of the State Nature and Historic Preserve (Sec 4, Article XIV of the State Constitution) and is the largest parcel of open space west of Brookhaven and the second largest remnant of pitch-pine scrub oak habitat in New York State. It is an irreplaceable and fragile ecosystem that is home to a wide variety of migratory birds and other wildlife. The preserve and adjacent lands provide prime nesting for plant and animal species that are on New York State’s Endangered, Threatened, and Special Concern lists. Furthermore, the preserve and adjacent lands are part of a Special Groundwater Protection Area, a major source of drinking water for both Nassau and Suffolk counties.
I applaud Senators Johnson, Trunzo and Flanagan and Assemblymen Ramos, Raia and Engelbright for their vision and leadership in introducing this important legislation. I hope I can count on your support to advance A09870 through the Assembly’s legislative process and, ultimately, its enactment into law.
Thank you.
Cc: Friends of the Edgewood Preserve, P.O. Box 162, Deer Park, NY 11729
RE: A09870 / S6728: La transferencia de ciertas tierras a Oak Brush Plain State Preserve
Marzo 2008
El Honorable Sheldon Silver
Presidente de la Asamblea
Legislative Office Building 932
Albany, NY 12248
Estimado Asambleísta Silver:
Yo apoyo la legislación arriba mencionada, que de manera permanente protegerá Edgewood-Oak Brush State Preserve de el desarrollo adicional, de acuerdo con el Capítulo 635 de las Leyes de 1987, cual fueron creadas para preservar. Esta legislación permitirá ahorrar mas espacio en una zona de Long Island, la cual esta severamente desarrollada y que sufre de contaminación de aire, ruido y luz. Más importante, esta legislación garantizará y sostendra el suministro de agua potable en Long Island y cumplirá con los requisitos del 1987 Sole Source Aquifer Act, el cual limita el desarrollo en el Deep Flow Recharge Area.
El Edgewood-Oak Brush Plain State Preserve es parte del State Nature and Historic Preserve (Sección 4, artículo XIV de la Constitución del Estado) y es el mayor espacio abierto de la parcela al oeste de Brookhaven y el segundo más grande remanente de pino-brea de matorral de roble Hábitat en el Estado de Nueva York. Se trata de un insustituible y frágil ecosistema que es el hogar de una gran variedad de aves migratorias y otras especies silvestres. El Preserve y las tierras adyacentes proporcionan anidación de las especies vegetales y animales que se encuentran en peligro, amenazadas o en una lista especial en el Estado de Nueva York. Además, el Preserve y terrenos adyacentes son parte de una Zona Especial de Protección de las aguas subterráneas, una de las principales fuentes de agua potable para los dos condados de Nassau y Suffolk.
Aplaudo a los Senadores Johnson, Trunzo y Flanagan y Asambleístas Ramos, Raia y Engelbright por su visión y liderazgo en la introducción de esta importante legislación. Espero poder contar con su apoyo para poder avanzar A09870 a través del proceso legislativo de la Asamblea y, en última instancia, su promulgación de la ley.
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Filed under: Ecology, Green Party Websites, Long Island Politics, nature, New York State Politics, video Tagged: | nature
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