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WBAI Election Results

I was not able to verify this report at the WBAI web-site, because the Local Station Board page is not working. And, I think the below says it might be subject to review. So, please consider these the unofficial results, and check in at www.wbai.org for updates:

My summary from a report by Mitch Cohen. I tried to make it more objective, so it can serve as a quasi-news update:

This is from WBAI Local Elections Supervisor Dale Ratner, based on the
certification of the elections done by new National Electios Supervisor
Caleb Kleppner…

May still be court challenges…it appears that the “Justice
and Unity” faction dropped 3 seats, and the “Independents” picked up 3 seats,
gaining a 14-10 majority of WBAI delegates on the Local Station Board.

This is especially important as the Directors elected to the Pacifica
National Board will very much reflect this change in direction. They
will be voted in on Wednesday night at a special Delegate Assembly meeting
that all are welcome to attend, at 9:30 pm at the Sixth Street
Community Center, 638 East 6th St. (between Avenues B & C) in Manhattan.

From: Vote WBAI <votewbai@gmail.com>

Dear all,

Below are the certified results from the 2007 WBAI Local Station Board
election. Congratulations to all the candidates and winners. I think
that all of you were excellent candidates and wanted the best for the
future of WBAI and Pacifica Radio. I enjoyed this job and working with all
of you.


Dale Ratner
Deputy National Elections Supervisor

### Results of 2007 WBAI LSB Listener seats

CANDIDATE                         TOTAL   STATUS
Omowale Clay                      ELECTED — 1st round
James Ross                        ELECTED — 1st round
Tibby Brooks                       ELECTED — 2nd round
Bernardo Palombo                ELECTED — 3rd round
Lisa Davis                           ELECTED — 4th round
Sara Flounders                   ELECTED — 7th round
Jennifer Jager                     ELECTED — 18th round
Robert M. Gold                    ELECTED — 20th round
Don Mathieson                     ELECTED — 20th round

Seth Goldberg                      DEFEATED — 19th round
Bok-keem Nyerere                DEFEATED — 17th round
Carla Cubit                           DEFEATED — 16th round
Pat Logan                             DEFEATED — 15th round
Wellington Echegaray             DEFEATED — 14th round
Kenneth Laufer                      DEFEATED — 13th round
Stefan S. Neustadter             DEFEATED — 12th round
Marianella Trioche                  DEFEATED — 11th round
Lee McClure-Come                 DEFEATED — 10th round
Ronaldo Bini                           DEFEATED — 9th round
Albert Solomon                       DEFEATED — 8th round
Marian Borenstein                   DEFEATED — 6th round
EXHAUSTED PILE:                           204.71973
TOTALS:                                             2731

### Results of 2007 WBAI LSB Staff seats (matched PINs only)

R. Paul Martin              ELECTED — 1st round
Vajra Kilgour                ELECTED — 3rd round
Max Schmid                ELECTED — 5th round

Cerene Roberts            DEFEATED — 5th round
Louis Reyes Rivera      DEFEATED — 5th round
Reggie Johnson  0        DEFEATED — 4th round
Delphine Blue               DEFEATED — 2nd round
EXHAUSTED PILE:          21.40317
TOTALS:                           97

One Response

  1. […] Ed Driscoll.com wrote an interesting post today on WBAI Election ResultsHere’s a quick excerpt I was not able to verify this report at the WBAI web-site, because the Local Station Board page is not working. And, I think the below says it might be subject to review. So, please consider these the unofficial results, and check in at http://www.wbai.org for updates: My summary from a report by Mitch Cohen. I tried to make it more objective, so it can serve as a quasi-news update: This is from WBAI Local Elections Supervisor Dale Ratner, based on the certification of the elections done by new Na […]

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