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McKinney Campaign Weekly Update: Issue #5 4/13/08

Updates from Green Party Presidential hopeful Cynthia McKinney

— What’s New on the Website —

Cynthia’s Remarks to Second Continental Conference of theAmericas Against “Free Trade” and Privatizations in Mexico City,May 4th http://www.allthingscynthiamckinney.com/node/317

Cynthia leads balloting at Rhode Island State Convention http://www.allthingscynthiamckinney.com/node/318

An Inconvenient Woman: Cynthia McKinney is interviewed by CindyPiester, chair of Citizens for Impeachment. http://www.allthingscynthiamckinney.com/node/319

Wake Up Call for Democrats http://www.allthingscynthiamckinney.com/node/321

Cynthia speaks at Explosivo Verde, Los Angeles http://www.allthingscynthiamckinney.com/node/323

— Campaign Visibility —

April 4th – 6th, Cynthia participated at an internationalgathering in Mexico City in which she rallied with unionactivists from across the Americas in opposition to theCalderon administration’s proposal to sell PEMEX (and controlthe nation’s oil reserves) off to private interests, as wellas the growing threat of privitization across the Hemisphere.As was true in Florida 2000 and Georgia 2002, ChoicePointalso had a hand in defeating those voters who delivered amajority to Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, when the databasecontractor shipped their election theft strategies South toundermine elections in Mexico as they had done previously inthe United States.

On April 12th Cynthia spoke at a fundraiser hosted by the LAGreens, featuring music and spoken word. The calendar listingand poster are at: http://www.allthingscynthiamckinney.com/node/309the speech she gave can be heard here: http://www.allthingscynthiamckinney.com/node/323

April 15th — Cynthia is scheduled to speak at CaliforniaState in Northridge. Details, as they become available willbe posted here: http://www.allthingscynthiamckinney.com/node/283

— Ballot Access —

We still await the definitive word from Hawaii on theirballot access filing which was due a couple of weeks ago now.But two signatures were filed for every one required by thelaw and we’re hopeful the Hawaiian Party is in good shape,and has a ballot line to share in November.

The state of Arizona has confirmed that the Green Party willbe on the ballot this November — cause for great celebration.Arizona required over 20,000 valid signatures.

Greens and other McKinney supporters are petitioning andwelcome (with room and board) support from outside the stateboth in Texas (44k signatures by May 27th) and Georgia (44ksigs by July 8th). Other state parties facing draconianballot access barriers include Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana,Oklahoma and North Carolina.

To learn more about how you can support work to obtain aballot line for the Green Party in these and other states,and for your own state as well, and for Cynthia McKinney,once she wins the Party’s nomination at the Chicago Conventionin July, please write: ballotaccess@runcynthiarun.org, or useour volunteer form at:


We cannot do this without your support.

— Fundraising —

Getting our candidate to your state’s next event; developing,printing and distributing yard signs, buttons, leaflets andother campaign materials; building a staff to promptly respondto media and calendar requests and to coordinate a growingcampaign; buying media; being visible; contesting for power.It all costs money. We anticipate between now and the end ofMay, nearly $10,000 in travel expenses, alone.

House Parties

Cynthia can not be everywhere at once and if this campaignis to meet any of its goals, it will be because campaignsupporters are willing to organize fundraising events for herin her absence.

Cynthia has agreed to participate in our first virtual houseparty, sponsored by the Sunday Evening 10k Club, scheduledfor this Sunday, April 20th. This is a great way to introduceyour friends to the McKinney campaign.

We’re bringing together the Sunday Evening 10k Club. You don’thave to run ten kilometers to join. You only have to bewilling to help us raise $10,000 each Sunday to take thiscampaign to the next level. Ten (or more) folks in ten stateseach Sunday are asked to host a house party aiming at raising$1,000 or more each for the campaign. We stay in communication,we work as a team. No experience is required and we do train.

Weekly conference calls are happening every Monday evening forsupporters who want to host or help host a local house partyfor Cynthia. If that is you, please use our volunteer formto let us know that:


You’ll get an email or phone call with call-in details, ifon the volunteer preference form you indicate an interest inhosting or helping with neighborhood house parties.

If you want to join the schedule for upcoming virtual nationwidehouse parties, write: SundayEvening10kClub@runcynthiarun.org.

Five down, fifteen to go!Maine joins the mix!Iowa is getting close.Will your state be next?

Here are some new preliminary numbers on our progress throughthe end of March. Five states are have raised enough toqualify us so far: California, New York, Oregon, Illinoisand Texas.

We also want to express our appreciation to the followingstates whose residents have already given $1,000 or more andare on their way towards that goal: *D.C. ($3.3k), *Florida($1.6k), *Massachusettes ($1.7k), *Maine ($1k), *Michigan($2.1k), *Minnesota ($3k), Oklahoma ($1k), *Washington ($2.7k)and Wisconsin ($1.6k). (Unaudited figures current throughMarch 31st, 2008; * indicates change since last month).

You can make sure your state helps qualify us to double thefirst $250 of every individual contribution, by making yourcontribution today then letting your friends know you’ve doneso and asking them to match or exceed your own contribution.You can donate online at: http://supporters.runcynthiarun.org/supporters.cgi

Your contributions make this campaign possible, and supportsthe candidate with more by far Congressional experience thannearly anyone else in this race, yet unlike her opponents,this is a woman who brings backbone and courage to the mostdifficult issues facing our nation.

To learn more about our efforts to qualify for the FederalMatching Program, check out the details at: http://www.runcynthiarun.org/node/1

— Help Wanted —

* Party with Cynthia!Join the Sunday Evening 10k Club!

We’re asking campaign supporters to step it up. Hold wildlypopular parties, meet new and interesting people, buildlocal community, give rise to honest to God hope in people’slives, raise money to fund this campaign. This campaign isseeking ten supporters each week who will hold house partiesworking intentionally in a team and building momentum forthis campaign. To schedule your house party, please write:SundayEvening10kClub@runcynthiarun.org.

* Join Our Production Department,DTP and Graphic Art Skills Needed

We still seek volunteers to help populate a campaign productiondepartment with desktop publishing, graphic design, pagelayout and related skills, in short the skills to turn vetteddocuments into professionally produced signs, banners, flyers,leaflets, business cards and other printed materials readyfor the printer, and suitable for web distribution.

We hope to build a TEAM of folks sharing the load, communicatingby email and helping to deliver on a volunteer basis the sortof campaign which no corporation can buy.

If you are interested in volunteering your services, pleasesend an email to volunteers@runcynthiarun.org and let us knowof your interest. Thank you.

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