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Sat. May 3rd: Long Island Peace Demonstration

Update, evening of 5/3/2008: Demonstration a success. Good turnout. A story should appear on the repeating news segments on News12 (Cable tv in Long Island) this evening.


4,040 American Soldiers

Have Now Died In Iraq

We were at Smith Haven Mall just three weeks ago when the American casualty count reached 4000 wearing T-shirts with the message: 4000 Americans 1 million Iraqis DEAD. ENOUGH ! The Mall said we disrupted the pleasant environment they strive to maintain for their shoppers. They say the Mall is private property and their corporate ownership has the right to limit individual freedom of speech.

We say we will not be silent! The American casualty count continues to climb.

Hundreds of Iraqis are killed each week. The cost of this war that was based on lies is hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars and continues to grow.



The Mall is located on Sunrise Highway in Massapequa . If you take Route 110 from the Southern State Parkway or the LI Expressway go south to Sunrise Highway. Then take Sunrise Highway west a couple of miles. The Mall is on the north side of Sunrise Highway.

Save the date. Spread the word. Bring your family and friends. Stand for peace.

We will definitely have T-shirts available at the demonstration; the suggested donation is $5.00. For further information call Janet Egan at 631.424-4647.

This demonstration is organized by the Suffolk Peace Network.

Editors note: I had proclaimed that the previous Smith Haven Mall demo was “the big one.” And, indeed, there were about 200 people. Well, this one, then, is the critical mass demo. Besides that it builds on the many peace groups who came together for the other demo, our cause has been bolstered by the bravery of Don Zirkel and Susan McKeon, who at Smith Haven Mall, faced arrest for their message of peace. Don Zirkel and Susan McKeon will have a day in court May 22nd. Hope they will be at the Sunrise Mall to receive appreciation and support. -KW

One Response

  1. Interesting that in this day and age, an 80 year old (see police report that follows this article) is arrested for not removing an anti war tee shirt in a New York mall (Crossings is one of the Simon properties in NE PA) while wearing a gun at a northeast PA restruant is OK with some of these far right types.

    Gun owners protest police action with video

    DICKSON CITY — A Friday evening police incident spilled over into a Borough Council meeting Tuesday, with gun-rights advocates alleging harassment by two police officers.

    The regular monthly meeting erupted into a full-blown debate on the Second Amendment, with more than 20 Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association members — many of whom were openly armed — arguing their right to carry a weapon in public.

    Police have yet to release a report of the incident in which a group of customers at Old Country Buffet were questioned about openly carrying handguns in public. At least one of those customers, Rich Banks, of Luzerne County, was detained for refusing to cooperate with police in regard to his concealed .38-caliber handgun, Police Chief William Stadnitski said. Mr. Banks’ weapon remains confiscated, but the chief said he can pick it up at any time.

    Pennsylvanians are required to carry a permit for a concealed weapon; however, there are exemptions, such as in the case of Mr. Banks, who Dickson City police later found out had a federal gun-dealer license.

    “We don’t feel there was any misconduct. We did what we had to for the safety of the customers,” Chief Stadnitski said of his part-time officers, Karen Gallagher and Anthony Mariano, who responded to the restaurant after 911 received complaints. The chief said no charges will be filed.

    But some, like Andrew Koch, disagreed. Mr. Koch drove more than five hours from Pittsburgh to speak out for Mr. Banks and the other gun owners who were “embarrassed, oppressed, harassed and violated” by the police.

    “These officers need to be disciplined, and criminal charges need to be brought against them,” Mr. Koch said.

    Firearm association members turned out from all over the state at Tuesday’s meeting after postings on Internet sites, such as http://www.opencarry.org. The co-founder of that site, Lancaster resident Mike Stollenwerk, drove from Washington, D.C., to protest the police conduct.

    “Normally when hiccups like this happen, they don’t go as far as gun seizure. … Usually it gets cleared up much quicker,” he said.

    Bill Grumbine, of Kutztown, carrying a Springfield XD-45 handgun, said he brought his 15-year-old daughter, Emily, for a “real-life civics lesson.”

    “The last thing we want to do is use our guns, just like the last thing you want to do is use the air bag in your car,” he said. “But we believe in being prepared, and we believe in exercising our rights.”

    Several council members and Mayor Anthony Zaleski defended the police officers.

    “Our officers did not know what to expect. They could be walking into situations similar to shootings at school campuses and other public events,” said council President Barbara Mecca.

    Contacted by The Times-Tribune, Lackawanna County District Attorney Andy Jarbola declined to comment on this specific case, but said people have a right to openly carry a weapon without having to show identification or a permit.

    “Police can ask, but if they don’t want to give it, they don’t have to,” he said. “It’s going to be surprising to the public, but that’s the current state of law.”

    Contact the writer: cschillinger@timesshamrock.com

    ©The Times-Tribune 2008

    Now on to the real serious shit like wearing an anti war tee shirt in mall. The Suffolk County Police Department release on Zirkel incident at Smith Haven Mall.

    For Immediate Release
    Saturday, March 29, 2008

    Incident: War Protestor Arrested for Resisting Arrest
    Location: Smith Haven Mall, Lake Grove
    Date/Time: Saturday March 29, 2008 at 4:25 p.m.

    Suffolk County Police today arrested a Bethpage man for refusing to leave the Smith Haven Mall, after he upset mall patrons by wearing a shirt with graphic anti-war images.

    Donald Zirkel, 80, of 150 Sunny Lane, Bethpage, was handing out anti-war pamphlets, and wearing a shirt featuring anti-war slogans and images at the mall around 4:00 p.m. After other mall goers found the shirt to be disturbing, mall security told him to stop handing out the pamphlets and turn his shirt inside out. Zirkel refused to turn the shirt inside out, and mall security told him to leave. After refusing to leave, mall security placed Zirkel on civilian arrest and called police. When police arrived, Zirkel passively resisted the police attempts to transport him to the police car.

    Zirkel was charged with Criminal Trespassing 3rd Degree and Resisting Arrest. He was released on bail. He is scheduled to be arraigned on May 22.


    Authority: Richard Dormer, Commissioner 08-159328
    Suffolk County Police Department

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