From Kimberly: I am writing this personally, as a grassroots green, who is worrying that things are not happening fast enough via official routes. So, please take this as a simple heads up, a kind of rumor of a probable job opening:
(Part of the) Summer Job:
Statewide Petition Coordinator for the Green Party of New York State
The Green Party in New York State will need to get thousands of signatures for our presidential candidate in July and August. These petitions may also include other candidates from local or Congressional races. In order to do get this done, we will most likely hire a Petition Coordinator, as we have in other years.
In the interest of reaching out to a wider group than the usual people, and in the interest of diversity, I am unofficially seeking people to fill this position.
I am pretty separate from the hiring process. So, this is a very unofficial callout. And, the person would have to wait until there is an application process and apply. I believe that the job will probably run from the end of May through to sometime in August, and be considered part time hours, until close to the filing date. A lot of it is organizing and inspiring the locals to get things done. And, then putting together a packet of carefully cleaned petitions to file at the state Board of Elections in Albany.
The Petition Coordinator would be hired before the national Green Party Presidential Convention in July. And, the Petition Coordinator would have to be committed to assist whichever candidate(s) the Green Party of New York State decides to petition for.
Please let me know if there is anyone you know in New York who might want this job whom I could start sharing the public information with. Or, tell people to watch out at for announcements. I guess it helps to be from New York, because that would make the person eligible to collect signatures themselves, if needed.
More will be known about the process after the Green Party of New York State statewide meeting on May 10th, where this topic is on the agenda.
Kimberly Wilder
(speaking as a grassroots green, and someone eager to have Cynthia McKinney on the ballot for President.)
Filed under: Ballot issues, cynthia mckinney, election, elections, green, Green Party Websites, More Events Calendars, Peace, progressive politics, third party, To Study Up On Nonviolence, US Politics Tagged: | Job Opportunity, third parties
[…] Joseph Fromm wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptAnd, then putting together a packet of carefully cleaned petitions to file at the state Board of Elections in Albany. The Petition Coordinator would be hired before the national Green Party Presidential Convention in July. … […]