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Black pastors reaffirm their support for Obama

Posted by Kimberly Wilder:

Wow. I feel like I am writing a lot about Obama. I will reiterate my belief that there is no “hope” from the Democrat or Republican Party. I believe in the Green Party because it is not connected to the corporations that smother us and beat the drumbeat for war. So, Obama is not my candidate of choice. Though, I don’t like attack politics happening to anyone, especially a candidate of diversity being attacked largely based on his diversity.

What I find interesting in my posting of the following is this: Every character in this story has a different position. Though, all the positions (including mine) are that the mainstream media and political operatives should not use Reverend Wright as a sledgehammer against Obama…

“I see people every day struggling with healthcare and education. Do we really care what an ex-pastor said when we’re going to choose the leader of the free world?…”
– Bishop Horace E. Smith, senior pastor of Apostolic Faith Church

From the Los Angeles Times
Black pastors reaffirm their support for Obama

They want to turn the focus away from the incendiary comments* by the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. and back to campaign issues.

By Margaret Ramirez
Chicago Tribune

May 3, 2008

CHICAGO — Concerned about possible harm the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. did to Barack Obama’s Democratic presidential campaign, 30 Chicago-area African American pastors came together Friday to support the Illinois senator.

The pastors, who represented the Pentecostal, Baptist and Episcopal faiths, gathered at historic Quinn Chapel A.M.E. Church on the South Side and said it was time to get back to the real issues of the campaign.

The Rev. Leon Finney Jr., pastor of Metropolitan Apostolic Community Church, said Wright and his sermons had been “politicized” to divert attention from the nation’s problems, including the Iraq war, rising unemployment and the mortgage crisis.

Finney did not criticize Wright but said he hoped to shift people’s attention to more pressing matters…

“I see people every day struggling with healthcare and education. Do we really care what an ex-pastor said when we’re going to choose the leader of the free world? Oh, please! We’re not that stupid,” Smith said. “And for us to continue to focus on this would be a monumental mistake.”

The Rev. Marshall Hatch of New Mount Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church said he feared the black community could lose a chance to make history.

“That’s why it’s so important that we help people to lift their sights,” Hatch said. “There’s a saying we have in the black church that we really offer to everybody: Keep your eyes on the prize.”


*KW: Who says they are incendiary comments?…Wow! life is so interesting…

3 Responses

  1. […] unknown wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptBlack pastors reaffirm their support for Obama. They want to turn the focus away from the incendiary comments* by the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. and back to campaign issues. By Margaret Ramirez Chicago Tribune. May 3, 2008 … Read the rest of this great post here […]

  2. […] unknown wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptBlack pastors reaffirm their support for Obama. They want to turn the focus away from the incendiary comments* by the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. and back to campaign issues. By Margaret Ramirez Chicago Tribune. May 3, 2008 … […]

  3. […] Republican Party. I believe in the Green Party because it is not connected to the corporations thathttp://www.onthewilderside.com/2008/05/04/black-pastors-reaffirm-their-support-for-obama/F.B.I. Raids Office of Special Counsel New York TimesThe raid came as part of an investigation into […]

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