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What to do about $4 a gallon gas?

Posted by KW:

(see “keep reading” link below for a list of hypermile tips)

The other day, when I filled up my gas tank, my poetic identity and need to express overcame me. Since I had to sign the credit card bill anyway, I decided I might as well make a stand. As I signed my credit card receipt, I wrote on the paper that goes back the company: “Guess the Iraq War was not such a good idea.” The gas station attendant was first confused, than amused when I told him it was not about him. Other times, on my receipt, I have scribbled nasty things about George Bush. (It’s pretty clear to everyone, I would guess, that Bush’s policies and Bush’s war took gas to $4 a gallon.)

I also jump on any chance for a gas boycott. It is hard to get the word out. But, if someone tells me don’t buy gas a certain day of the week, or don’t buy gas on a certain date, I listen. Some day it will be the big one, and everyone will hear about it and do it. And, the gas companies and the government will notice a blip on their charts.

I don’t encourage the action that a woman in the news recently took to protest gas prices. Evidently, she tried to burn down some gas stations. I don’t condone violence and/or arson. And, I presume that many local gas station owners are not the main beneficiaries of high priced gas.

A proactive measure is to just use less gas. Of course, that can best be achieved by walking, bicycling, or taking public transportation. Though, I am excited about the new trend of hyper-miling. When done well, using the hypermile technique can save a lot of gas with simple tricks like keeping your tires properly inflated, and driving slower.

So, want to take action? Bike to work. Scribble on those gas receipts. Look around for an e-mail message about what day to boycott gasoline. And, try some of the tips below to use less gas. You will save money. And, if we can push demand down, maybe we can hurt the pocket of some “oil men.”

(Oh, and vote for the Green Party. All of our policies are better. We don’t believe in war on principle, but as Americans are learning, no war means lower oil prices. Greens would subsidize alternate fuels, so that oil is not such a monopoly.)

Posted here on Carwale, with longer explanations at the orginal Forbes article.)

10 top tips on “How To Drive Green Without Buying A New Car”
[How to Hypermile]

* Tip No. 1 : Lay off the accelerator and brakes
* Tip No. 2 : Don’t accelerate at speeds between 55 and 75 miles per hour
* Tip No. 3 : Choose the right oil
* Tip No. 4 : Lose some weight (in your car)
* Tip No. 5 : The Scan Gauge
* Tip No. 6 : Make your car more aerodynamic
* Tip No. 7 : Replace air filters
* Tip No. 8 : Get those wheels aligned
* Tip No. 9 : Keep your tires inflated
* Tip No. 10: Regular engine tune-ups

3 Responses




  2. […] Wilderside Related Post – including tips to save gas and change the gas problem is here. Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Peak Oil Will Spur Risky ExplorationIdaho Truckers […]

  3. From Kimberly: Love the weight loss conspiracy. Sometimes in related posts generated by WordPress, a link comes up to a curmudgeonly post saying that boycotts to not buy gas on a certain day are silly, you just buy more gas the day before or the day after.

    I think that is a very silly way to look at things.

    If any group of Americans could get so upset, they take a big, expressive economic move together, in a way that affects the balance sheet of gas companies – even for one day, people will take note.

    Also, there are a hundred strategies. I will support the strategies of other people, even if I am not positive they will work. What is the harm to us in not buying gas on a certain day?

    No harm. Maybe a tiny bit of inconvenience. I think it is worth it to see if we can attract attention.


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