The site of the 2008 Green National Convention commemorates the 40th anniversary of the 1968 Democratic Convention, outside of which thousands of antiwar activists gathered to protest the war and the nomination of pro-war candidate Hubert Humphrey. The confrontation in the streets of Chicago between protesters and law enforcement erupted in a police riot under the command of Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley.
“As in 1968, the United States is today mired in a war that began with an intentional deception by the administration in power” said Sheldon Schafer, Green candidate for Illinois’ 18th Congressional District (Peoria). “We’ve learned since 1968 that US wars — Vietnam, Iraq and possibly others — are the product of bipartisan collusion, not just the party in the White House. We’ve learned that protest isn’t enough, that we must replace those in public office with people dedicated to global peace and justice.”
“That’s why the Green Party is so important in the 21st century, to change our country’s political landscape,” said Mr. Schafer. “In 1968, antiwar protesters were outside the Democratic Convention, rallying in the streets. In 2008, Americans against the war will be inside the Green Party Convention, some of them running for the White House and Congress.”
Filed under: activism, Anti-War, Ballot issues, election, elections, events, Green Party Websites, Political Websites, presidential race, Press Release, US Politics Tagged: | chicago, peace movement, presidential convention
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