Posted by Kimberly Wilder:
To donate on-line to Cynthia McKinney’s campaign please go here.
(Political contributions are not tax-deductible. More information at the web-site)
The Cynthia McKinney for President campaign has an interesting goal in hand. If they can raise $5,000 in 20 states by our convention – Saturday, July 12 – they may be able to qualify for federal matching funds for primary season. This would be a morale-boosting accomplishment. It would also provide much needed funds as greens in many states try to place former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney on the ballot for president. Helping Cynthia McKinney reach her matching funds goal is a way to make our government fund our grassroots ballot access campaigns.
Below is a list of various states where the heat is on. Though, I was particularly interested in the fact that Florida is one of the states close to reaching the $5,000 threshold. New York and Michigan have both already met their $5,000 goal. And, both of those states have a pattern of snow-birds and ex-patriots who live in Florida. So, how about doing some interstate phone calls and e-mail appeals?
Who do you know in Florida? Anyone that would listen to a pitch to support a progressive, out-spoken, African American woman in her bid to get on the ballot? Anyone who cares enough about third parties and ballot access, they might write a small check?
Please go through your e-mail addresses and your phone book. If you find anyone from the states below, please consider asking them to do a favor for you, for Cynthia McKinney, for the Green Party, and for grassroots democracy and ballot access. Their contribution of up to $250, can make a big boost towards the overall goal of achieving federal matching funds in this pre-convention season. I can see the press release now. It’s gonna be a good one.
Peace and thanks,
Kimberly Wilder
P.S. Think it would be fastest to donate on-line. That way, you are sure to meet the July 12th deadline. Though, you or your friends can also send a check, asap, to: The Power to the People Committee, Cynthia McKinney for President, Post Office Box 311759, Atlanta, GA 31131-1759. As per the runcynthiarun web-site, you should enclose information such as name, address, phone number, occupation and employer, so they can meet FEC requirements. And, political contributions are not tax-deductible.
Information from the runcynthiarun web-site:
Supporters in six [7, see below] states have raised $5k or more to qualify us so far:
California, Michigan, New York, Oregon, Illinois and Texas.
These states’ residents have already given $1,000 or more and are on their way towards that goal:
D.C. ($3.5k),
Florida ($2.3k),
Massachusetts ($1.8k),
Maryland ($1.2k),
Maine ($2.1k),
Minnesota ($3.8k),
New Jersey ($3.6k),
Oklahoma ($1k),
Washington ($2.7k) [Met goal at end of June!]
Wisconsin ($1.8k)
Arizona and Iowa are the next closest to entering the running at the $1k level.
Unaudited figures current through May 31st, 2008; * indicates change since last month)
[I also heard a rumor that Georgia is at about $500. My guess is that many of Cynthia’s colleagues and supporters are so busy working on the campaign and the convention, they don’t have time to focus on the fund-raising in Cynthia’s former home-state. Won’t you help spread the word in Georgia?]
Filed under: cynthia mckinney, Green Party Websites, More Events Calendars, Political Websites, president, presidential race, progressive politics, third party, US Politics Tagged: | Florida, Michigan, NY, State of Washington, third parties, Washington
[…] information at the web-site The Cynthia McKinney for President campaign has an interesting goal in WIth PSL, will Giants remain a way of life? Stamford AdvocateAs soon as word came out […]