Green Convention: Babies for Cynthia McKinney photo (c) Kimberly Wilder
Photo above is from the day of the convention, Saturday, July 12th. The other photos are in fairly chronological order. NY Delegation meets Friday before the Forum; Friday night Green Party Presidential Candidate Forum on Friday, July 11, 2008; Saturday Green Party Presidential Convention, July 12, 2008. Please contact Kimberly Wilder for permission to use these photos. kimberlywilder06 at yahoo dot com.

NY Delegation to GP-US Convention deliberates: Day Starr, Colia, Evergreen

NY Delegation deliberates: Sander, David, Roger, Craig, Peter

Jim, a Cynthia McKinney volunteer. Hallway of the convention hotel.

Greens in hallway of hotel networking: Asa Gordon seated on floor in khaki pants, Nikilhananda of Hawaii in gray jacket on couch

Greens in hallway of Palmer House Hilton: Monte stands

Cynthia McKinney, Rich Whitney, Kent Mesplay at Green Party Forum in Chicago

Green Party Presidential Forum. July 11th at the Palmer House Hilton, Chicago

Cynthia McKinney listening thoughtfully. Prez Forum Chicago 2008

Press coverage of 2008 Green Party Presidential Forum in Chicago

Cynthia McKinney answers questions at press conference

In the press room, Green Vice Prez candidate Rosa Clemente on the phone

Audience at 2008 Green Party Presidential Convention in Chicago

NY Delegation on Floor of Green Party Presidential Convention: Betty in white and hat

Kinamo Curry and Mrs. McKinney at Green Party Presidential Convention

Sign Language Interpreter (in blue shirt) at 2008 Green Party Prez Convention

Cynthia McKinney's parents at the 2008 Green Party Presidential Convention

Cynthia McKinney speaks at Green Prez Convention. Rosa Clemente over right shoulder

Lights down, music on: Cynthia McKinney dances to celebrate her nomination
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