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McKinney/Clemente appoints Campaign Manager SKCM Curry

[Update: In August 2008, the McKinney Campaign announced that SKCM was stepping down as the volunteer, interim Campaign Manager.]

“Power to the People” Presidential Campaign Appoints Campaign Manager

Former six-term Congress Member from Georgia, Cynthia McKinney and running mate Rosa Clemente were nominated by the Green Party at the Green National Convention in Chicago on July 12, 2008. The newly nominated Green Party candidates Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente have chosen Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowaifza-Curry (SKCM Curry) as the national campaign manager for their 2008 “Power to the People” presidential campaign, the first all-female and African and Latino heritage ticket for the White House.

Presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney noted “Our candidacy marks several nationally significant historic events, especially the 160th anniversary of the Equal Rights Party nomination of the first female American presidential candidate Victoria Woodhull, which was also the first party to nominate a Black man, Frederick Douglass, for Vice President. I stand proudly as the 45th female American to also seek the presidency.”

Ms. Curry brings a lifetime of political skills to the Green Party’s all-woman presidential ticket. She is a social justice historian and activist from South Central Los Angeles, where she grew up in the Pueblo Dio Rio Housing Projects, in a family dedicated to peace and justice. A 46-year-old woman of African descent, Ms. Curry calls herself a “product of the battles won during the 1960 Civil Rights Movement,” including the Voting Rights Act, Head Start, and expansion of public higher education.

Ms. Curry has years of experience training others in “popular education”, a program for social change pioneered by Brazilian educator Paulo Freire, author of /Education as the Practice of Freedom/ and /Pedagogy of the Oppressed/. SKCM Curry has had a long involvement in civil rights struggles, including voter registration and ballot access drives, as well as organizing around the need for universal health care, an end to current wars, environmental issues. and other campaign priorities.

She has been involved with the Green Party for six years at local, state, national, and international levels. “Party affiliation is like a vote, only more powerful and cumulative, as it doesn’t begin and end with an election. I joined the Green political party because it stands for my values — I’m no longer willing to settle for something less. The McKinney-Clemente 2008 Green Party Campaign will promote a national long-term Green vision with policies and programs, and new visionary female leadership that will serve the interests of all Americans and members of the human family,” Curry said.

Curry thinks that “We Greens must combine our energy on all levels to create winning strategies that synergistic promote a national long term Green vision supported by measurable policies, programs and laws
appealing to the varied interests of all Americans and members of the human family.” Her objective in joining the Green Party was and is about building a permanent non-corporate funded political party here
in the United States of America.

2 Responses

  1. […] is a great post about Curry on the Wilderside that goes into great depth into her background and strength as an organizer. They got a video up as […]

  2. […] is a great post about Curry on the Wilderside that goes into great depth into her background and strength as an organizer. They got a video up as […]

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