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Genuine Green ACTION! Marathon Petition Drive in NYC

Up-to-the-minutes updates and the latest news  is on the Green Party of New York State Petition Coordinator’s twitter: http://twitter.com/petitionsomnia. (Petition Coordinator Michael  O’Neil is very funny–great twitter posts so far…)

If you want to join this petition drive today, the 3pm and on locations are below, or find the Petition Coordinator’s contact information at www.gpnys.org.

Green Party of New York State and McKinney/Clemente Presidential Ticket hold Petition-somnia, Marathon, 24-Hours-Straight Petition Drive in New York City

Friday, August 1st through Saturday August 2nd, Michael O’Neil, the Petition Coordinator for the Green Party of New York State will be drumming up recruits, collecting signatures, and making a point: Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente are the best presidential ticket out there, and New York City IS the city that never sleeps.

Michael O’Neil’s position as Petition Coordinator is part of the Green Party of New York State’s strategy to get their Presidential Candidate, former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, and their Vice Presidential Candidate, Hip-Hop activist Rosa Clemente on the ballot. The Green Party’s core values, and the platform of McKinney/Clemente support grassroots democracy, peace/non-violence, ecological wisdom and social and economic justice. The Greens will need 15,000 signatures from registered voters simply to get their chosen candidates on the ballot. O’Neil is determined to get the job done.

O’Neil has announced to Green Party lists, the places he will petition for 24 hours straight. His adventure started at 7pm at the Bowery Ballroom and will go through to 7pm at the United Artists Movie Theater at Union Square. In the wee hours, he found places to go all around the city that never sleeps where he believed he could find a few good signatures.

O’Neil is reporting his successes and failures to the Green Party members via twitter. Here are some of the early posts:


Small hours have been rough. City never sleeps but it gets very, very drunk.

34 minutes ago from txt
Which will go first…my back, my feet, or my sence of judgement? about 4 hours ago from txt
In the LES. about 4 hours ago from txt
The obama dogma is heavy tonight about 5 hours ago from txt
Drunk people are always so helpful. about 5 hours ago from txt
into Hour Five, starting to feel it. about 6 hours ago from txt
Communal volleyball run over by taxi, film at 11. about 6 hours ago from txt
Well it’s tomorrow. New date on the form about 6 hours ago from txt

What could be so important to make a man stay up 24 hours? Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente are a dream team of a ticket. And, then there is the Green Party’s compelling desire to see an end to war. Cynthia McKinney has said, “The problem is not just Iraq, the problem is the militaristic turn our government has taken. Don’t just bring our troops home from Iraq. Bring them home from all over the world. Cynthia McKinney’s web-site, where you can study her positions and sign up to help, are at www.runcynthiarun.org. Michael O’Neil’s twitter account is at http://twitter.com/petitionsomnia.

If you want to catch Michael O’Neil during Petition-somnia, either to help petition, or just to watch a man on a mission, you can find him at 3:00pm to 6pm on Saturday, August 2nd at the Union Square Greenmarket, or at 6:00pm-7:00pm, August 2nd at the United Artists Movie Theater at Union Square for the grand finale.


Cynthia McKinney’s campaign web-site:

Rosa Clemente’s web-site:

Humorous Video from Petition Coordinator:

The Green Party of New York State:

Michael O’Neil’s twitter reports:

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