A great suggestion from an interesting blog called “Counter Currents.” Instead of making up fake news, or spinning silly campaign spin over and over again, the news should use slow news days to report on third party candidates and alternative voices.
” Making News” And The Corporate Media In America
By Timothy V. Gatto
04 August, 2008
[Excerpt, read the full story here.]
There is a solution to the media’s problem of how to provide content during the days when the campaigns or the candidates fail to make news worth reporting on. It’s as simple as this; there are questions that aren’t being asked and positions that aren’t being evaluated. Why are we still wondering if Senator Barack Obama will rescind the assaults on the Constitution? Why can’t we hear what John McCain’s definition of “winning” in Iraq is? Why can’t we hear about former Rep. Cynthia McKinney’s ideas? Then there is Nader and Barr and Moore and other third party candidates most Americans know nothing about. I believe that some people, if they only watch TV for their news, would believe that there are only two political parties in this country. It’s not unpatriotic to report on third party candidates. It sure would better than making up news stories.
Filed under: Barack Obama, cynthia mckinney, Green Party Websites, Green Presidential Campaign 2008, Iraq, John McCain, media, News, Political Websites, president, presidential race, progressive politics, third party, US Politics, war Tagged: | cynthia mckinney, third parties
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