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Death Penalty Emergencies: Can you get to Georgia on Thursday?

Some of the advocate community thought we were winning on this one, and I fear the pressure was let down.  It now looks like Troy Davis will be wrongly executed. Please take action, do an e-mail, drive to Georgia, and/or spread the word to people who might be able to go there:

Emergency Rally/March to save Troy Davis! in downtown Atlanta, Georgia
This Thursday, September 18th at 6pm / Meet: Edgewood Ave. and Peachtree St.

More details and other egregious death penalty cases below:Greetings All,

There are four executions scheduled this week and 22 by the end of the year.  See a complete list at www.NCADP.org, or receive a weekly update via e-mail by joining the For Whom the Bells Toll Campaign e-mail update list by clicking here.

NCADP is updating you about the Troy Davis case because it is so high profile and so compelling.  We also want you to know that Jack Alderman, who was scheduled to be killed in Georgia later today, received a stay of execution so that he would have an opportunity to make a case for mercy to the Parole Board. Since then, the Parole Board scheduled a clemency hearing for this morning (Tuesday) at 9am. It is quite possible that this execution will take place.

On Friday, the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles denied clemency for Troy Davis.  Georgians For Alternatives to the Death Penalty writes the following:

We are aware of two entities that can prevent the execution of Troy Davis: the US Supreme Court and the Parole Board.  While the Board did deny clemency on Friday, they have unfettered discretion all the way up to the final hour and can still weigh in.

These odds are tough, but they are not mathematically impossible. Therefore, we will direct our fight where we have any chance! And we must not let off the attention and activism. There are some media strategies we are working on to influence the Supreme Court. As for the Parole Board, we want to appeal to them again – but we encourage you not to antagonize the board as this is not likely to persuade them to change their decision! The board members each voted Friday in secrecy, so we do not know what the vote count was, but if it was not unanimous, then changing even one person’s mind may be what is needed.

**please send another letter to the board**

You can use the new model at AI’s page – copy/paste or you can send the letter directly from the AI page with a few clicks:



Also, if you are anywhere near Atlanta, or if you know someone who is, please consider the following:


This Thursday (Sept. 18) at 6pm

Meet: Edgewood Ave. and Peachtree St.
downtown Atlanta, Georgia

No physical evidence. No murder weapon. Another man implicated.
Add your voice to prevent the execution!

Please sign the petition: www.gfadp.org

For more info: 404-250-3540 + gfadp at yahoo.com

And finally, here is a little more background, from Counterpunch.org

The Georgia Supreme Court subsequently agreed to hear the death row prisoner’s extraordinary motion for a new trial, but in March the Court rejected the motion largely on procedural grounds in a 4-3 vote.

Troubled by this result, Chief Justice Sears stated in her dissent:

“[…] I believe that this case illustrates that this Court’s approach in extraordinary motions for new trials based on new evidence is overly rigid and fails to allow an adequate inquiry into the fundamental question, which is whether or not an innocent person might have been convicted or even, as in this case, might be put to death.”

Thank you for taking action today!

Abraham J. Bonowitz
Director of Affiliate Support
National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
abe at ncadp.org
mobile: 561-371-5204

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