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NY 2008 Presidential Election Ballot with FAQ

2012 Prez Update:

2012 Presidential Candidates(in New York) for 2012 are listed and discussed
at our new post: here

The ballot will not be set in New York State for the November 2012
general elections until: October 2nd.


2010 Update: NY Governor Race 2010

Certified ballot for 2010 New York Governor race is at the NY State Board of Elections website: here.

Original post:

The Presidential Election is over. Though, you can still send a message to the nation that you want peace. On December 6th is a congressional election in New Orleans. And, Malik Rahim, an anti-Iraq War candidate, is running a 5-way race (which includes the incumbent Democrat who is facing corruption charges.) This is a winnable race. This is a way to use the lull in campaigning to focus the energy of progressives and greens together on winning a seat in Congress. For more information on Malik Rahim for Congress, go to his web-site: here. To donate to Malik Rahim for Congress, go to his contributor page: here.

* * *

The NY State Board of Elections has published their “Candidate List.”And absentee ballots have gone out. At the link is a picture of a NY State absentee ballot presidential column: here.

Here is it:

DEM – Democratic Party……Barack Obama
REP – Republican Party……John McCain
IND – Independence Party……John McCain
CON – Conservative Party……John McCain
WOR – Working Families Party……Barack Obama
SWP – Socialist Workers Party……Roger Calero
PSL – Party for Socialism and Liberation……Gloria La Riva
GRN – Green Party……Cynthia McKinney
LBT – Libertarian Party……Bob Barr
PLT – Populist Party……Ralph Nader


FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions: Answers about the ballot line in NY

Below is a repeat and extension of the above list, partly to make this post searchable for people with questions in the internet universe.

The above list from the NY State Board of Elections answers the following questions:

Is Roger Calero on the ballot in New York? YES.
Is Gloria LaRiva on the ballot in New York? YES.
Is Cynthia McKinney on the ballot in New York? YES.
Is Bob Barr on the ballot in New York? YES.
Is Ralph Nader on the ballot in New York? YES.

Is Cynthia McKinney on the NYS ballot? YES.
Is Ralph Nader on the NYS ballot? YES.

Who is the Green Party candidate for president? Cynthia McKinney

Who did the Green Party put on the ballot for president in New York? Cynthia McKinney

Who is the Green Party of New York State candidate for president? Cynthia McKinney

Who is the GPNYS candidate for president? Cynthia McKinney

Who is the Libertarian Party candidate for president? Bob Barr

In NY, what ballot line will Ralph Nader be on? Populist Party line

In New York, who can I vote for for president? Ralph Nader, Bob Barr, Cynthia McKinney, Gloria LaRiva, Roger Calero, John McCain, Barack Obama.

In NY, who can I vote for president? Ralph Nader, Bob Barr, Cynthia McKinney, Gloria La Riva, Roger Calero, John McCain, Barack Obama.

In New York state, who can I vote for for president? Ralph Nader, Bob Barr, Cynthia McKinney, Gloria LaRiva, Roger Calero, John McCain, Barack Obama.

In New York state, you can also do a write-in vote. Write-in votes are not always published by the Board of Elections. Though, the people at the Board of Elections see them, volunteer poll watchers see them, party bureacrats and lawyers doing recounts and recanvasses see them. And, one time, at least, a green who voted for “Minnie the Cat” in NY saw her write-in vote mentioned in Newsday because a reporter did a story about write-in votes related to Giuliani and his desire for a third term.

4 Responses

  1. I was checking to see if any federal senate and congressional seats were open for vote this year and which ones. Also can you tell me where to find out how to do a write in vote? Is the the polling stations responsibility to supply the paper and pen(cil)? Is there an online site with this info. I coundn’t find one there.
    Thank you,
    Robert Colasacco

  2. Excellent questions. All the seats on the House of Representatives are up for re-election this year. 1/3 of the US Senate is up for re-election. None in NY. I know in NY that you write-in by sliding the slot at the top of the ballot and using the pencil on a string in the machine to write your candidate in. For NYC info you can go here: http://www.vote.nyc.ny.us/


  3. […] Still confused? There’s a helpful and concise FAQ about the election at: http://www.onthewilderside.com […]

  4. did the ballot proposition for veteran’s in nys pass?

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