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Green Party state legislature candidates to watch on Election Day 2008

The Green Party of the United States is running an outstanding slate of candidates for state legislature in 2008, with a few strong possibilities of election on Election Day.  Four such candidates are profiled below.

At least 245 Green candidates will be on ballots on Election Day, November 4.  At least 293 Greens have run for public office throughout 2008, including the November 4 election.  More Green candidates to watch are listed at: http://www.gp.org/2008-elections/candidate-news.php

Richard Carroll is running unopposed, except for two write-in candidates, for an open seat in Arkansas State Representative District 39.  He has strong union support, with endorsements from the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers (IBB), United Transportation Union, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, Arkansas State Electrical Workers Association, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, and the Central Labor Council of Arkansas, as well as the North Little Rock Fire Fighters, Ride Free, and Arkansas Democrat Gazette (http://www2.arkansasonline.com/news/2008/oct/29/richard-carroll-20081029/).  Mr. Carroll has been active in union organizing for 30 years, holding the offices of Vice President, and Recording Secretary of IBB Local 69, and Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Local Chairman of IBB Local 66. Campaign web site: http://www.newmenu.org/richardcarroll

Farheen Hakeem, a popular political personality in Minneapolis, is running for Minnesota State House District 61B.  Three candidates are seeking an open seat, and in recent polls Ms. Hakeem is running in a statistical dead heat for the lead.  Ms. Hakeem, who has worked as a teacher and volunteers as a Girl Scout Leader, ran for Mayor of Minneapolis in 2005 as a Green and received 14% of the vote.  In 2006, she ran for Hennepin County Commissioner (District 4) against a Democratic incumbent, drawing 33%.  Minneapolis Mirror article with video: http://mplsmirror.com/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=422&Itemid=1 Campaign web site: http://www.farheenhakeem.org
Ante Marijan, candidate for the Illinois State Representative in the Chicago (District 2), received endorsements from the Chicago Sun-Times (http://www.suntimes.com/news/elections/endorsements/1239644,CST-EDT-edit24.article) and the Chicago Tribune (http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/chi-1025edit1oct25,0,2682341.story).  Campaign web site: http://www.11thwardgreens.org/
Kent Solberg, candidate for State Representative District 27, received the endorsement of the Arizona Daily Star, the largest circulation newspaper in Tucson (http://www.azstarnet.com/allheadlines/263651).  He also qualified for Arizona Clean Elections funds, enabling him to run a well-financed campaign.  The campaign has canvassed the entire district twice with 50,000 brochures each time, and just finished a series of three special rallies with live bands. Additionally for the first time for any Green candidate in Arizona, Mr. Solberg is running 30 second TV and 60 Spanish radio commercials. Mr. Solberg, running an issues-oriented campaign, has a very real chance to defeat one of the two incumbents.  Campaign web site: http://www.kent4house.org

The Green Party’s 2008 national nominees are Cynthia McKinney and running mate Rosa Clemente.  Ms. McKinney was interviewed on BreakTheMatrix.com on Sunday evening, October 19 (http://www.breakthematrix.com/node/28047) and on Democracy Now!, October 16, following the final presidential debate, from which she was excluded (http://www.democracynow.org/2008/10/16/breaking_the_sound_barrier_third).

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