A League of Women’s Voters of Huntington/Lloyd Harbor Conservation Board presentation:
Wetlands: Can Long Island Have a Katrina-Like Disaster?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Cold Spring Harbor Library
95 Harbor Road (Rte 25A)
Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724
7pm – 9pm
Speakers: Dr. Nicole Maher, Nature Conservancy; Dr. William Muller, Professor of Biology, NYIT; Robin Kriesberg, Friends of the Bay; Patricia Aitken, Friends of the Bay.
Do you understand the role of wetlands in storm mitigation, the food chain, potable water, etc.” Do you know where Long Island’s wetlands are located? Are vulnerable? What problems are associated with LI wetlands? What should we know about Huntington’s wetlands? How does one measure the changes in streams, bays, channels, LI Sound?
Come listen, learn and ask questions of these renowned experts. Attendance is free; refreshments will be served.
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