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Tues. Nov. 18th – In memory of Marcelo Lucero: Come speak to Suffolk Legislature

Update!: On Saturday, Nov 22, 2008 in Hempstead there will be a march and vigil for Marcelo Lucero and to stop hate. Details are here and at www.longislandwins.com.

Long Island Immigrant Alliance is urging all people concerned about the hate killing of Marcelo Lucero to go to the Suffolk Legislature Tuesday morning, Nov. 18th to speak out against the Legislature’s role in fostering a climate of intolerance.

This event will not include a rally and press conference, but it will provide an opportunity for you to make your voice heard. If you want to speak, go to the Legislative Building at the county complex in
Hauppauge at 9AM. You should sign a card indicating that you want to speak at the “Public Portion” (not the “Hearing”). You will then be assigned a number and cards are called beginning after 9:30AM. You will have three minutes to speak. Generally legislators will not comment and will not answer questions, just (hopefully) listen.

A larger legislative event is planned for Tuesday Dec. 2nd at 8:30AM. We will start with a rally and follow with statements to the legislators.

If you go to the legislature this Tuesday, please make the following points:

1. We want an end to anti-immigrant legislation. It does not address
Suffolk’s real problems and it just stirs up resentments.

2. Stop campaigning by scapegoating immigrants.

3. County Exec. Levy says he is creating a liaison between the Latino
community and the police. Ask the legislators to make sure that the
person appointed is accountable to Latino victims.

4. The Legislature must hold a hearing to look into the dramatic 95%
drop in reported hate crimes against Latinos since Levy took office. Is
anti-Latino bias really going down, or are hate crimes not being
reported or are they miscategorized?

pat young

One Response

  1. […] Community Meeting in Patchogue: Marcello Lucero To speak to the Suffolk County Legislature in support of fairness for immigrants, you could attend a meeting of the legislature on Tuesday, Nov. 18th. Info is: here. […]

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