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Take Action for Malik: Demand that media cover Congressional race fairly

Quick Action! Write to the Times-Picayune in New Orleans.Explanation, story, links and more contacts below. Though, if you want to do a quick action, e-mail or fax the following people and ask that they provide equal and fair coverage of Malik Rahim in his campaign for Congress:

Reporter Michelle Krupa – mkrupa at timespicayune dot com


Editor Jim Amoss – jamoss at timespicayune dot com , whose FAX is: 504-826-3357

This was posted at Independent Political Report:

Posted at New Orleans IndyMedia by “VoteMalik”. IPR does not know whether the author is officially connected to the Rahim campaign or speaks on its behalf at this time.

Bias and Media Distortion in the Times-Picayune

All of the Times-Picayune articles on the December 6 race attempt to margninalize the Malik Rahim campaign. “Candidates offer alternative views” ignores Green Party candidate Malik Rahim, called him and his candidacy “little known,” “lesser known,” even “without a base”! The Times-Picayune has not endorsed a candidate or written editorials in support of Cao, but instead use their “news” (see this gem on Times-Picayune sister site NOLA.COM http://blog.nola.com/updates/2008/12/2nd_congressional_district_can.html) to covertly support him at the expense of the Malik Rahim campaign.

Factual inaccuracies in the Times-Picayune

On Friday November 28, The Times-Picayune ignored basic journalistic ethics and reported factual inaccuracies, maligning the Malik Rahim Campaign in favor of their favorite candidate, Joseph Cao.

The Times-Picayune reported that Cao raised $58,900 from individuals and corporations plus $7,000 from national Republican groups.

However, the FEC reports that he raised a total of $39,681 from individuals. The remainder of his $110,281 in total receipts was from loans.

By contrast they state that “Rahim reported that he collected about $2000 from individuals and corporate donors…” when in fact, the FEC report clearly shows $7,985 in individual contributions

The Malik Rahim campaign does not accept corporate contributions, and to date has raised well over $25,000 dollars.

Times-Picayune Refuse to Publish Letters to the Editor, citing that they don’t publish letters that support a specific candidate.

Until the Times-Picayune and the Republican Party “made” Cao, Malik was by far the most well known of Bill Jefferson’s challengers.


Michelle Krupa can be reached at mkrupa@timespicayune.com or 504.826.3312

Times-Picayune Editor Jim Amoss can be reached at jamoss@timespicayune.com or 504-826-3475 (phone) or by FAX at 504-826-3357

Managing Editor Dan Shea and Peter Kovacs can be reached at dshea@timespicayune.com and pkovacs@timespicayune.com respectively.

The Times-Picayune toll free number is
1-800-925-0000. The news room FAX number is 504-826-3007. Letters to the editor can fall on deaf ears at letters@timespicayune.com

2 Responses

  1. Yup. That is the whole story, but missing the Action Alert. I am a woman of action!

    Peace and thanks for the comment.


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