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Riverhead Jail in Suffolk County: sad news

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KW: I almost didn’t post this because it so sad and confusing. Though, of course, the community must acknowledge such a happening. And, people must investigate with care and awareness. Condolences to the friends and family of this young man, Jesse Haszinger.

(excerpt from) Newsday
Teen found hanged in Suffolk County jail
By Laura Rivera /  February 22, 2009

A 17-year-old, [Jesse Haszinger]…was found hanging from a piece of sheet in his maximum security cell at Suffolk County jail [in Riverhead], authorities said.

The teen’s death is being considered a suicide, said Chief Michael Sharkey of the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department…

Haszinger had been held since Jan. 15 in the Riverhead jail, Sharkey said, in an area for minors that houses inmates 18 years and younger.

16 Responses

  1. My 17 yr old daughter is an inmate in that jail and she told me his death was NOT a suicide. She was unable to provide details on the phone (they monitor the calls) but I will find out more when I see her. Such a tragedy, my heart goes out to the family. I am appalled and angry that such a thing can happen to a CHILD, no matter what his crime (he had the nerve to call his girlfriend despite an order of protection – not the right thing to do but certainly should not have cost him his life). When I saw the headline, “17 yr old teen hanged in Suffolk County Jail,” my heart stopped in my chest and I fully expected to read my daughter’s name in the article. She has come close to death several times before. What a devastating feeling that is, it is indescribable. And instead of feeling relief when it wasn’t her name, all I felt was, “Oh my God that poor family, what hell they are going through, I can only imagine.” I pray for them, that justice will prevail and the true cause of death known, and that Jesse will rest in peace. God bless him and his family.

    • Laura,

      I dont know if you are going to get this reply but I would love to talk to you in person about your post because i am seeking answers for a similar situation that happened at Riverhead to a family member very recently. please respond to me via email at jsasso41@yahoo.com.

  2. I don’t think it was a suicide either. He was getting out soon anyway. He had no reason to do this. It should be investigated futher by the officials. This sure smells of a cover up at Riverhead jail.

  3. Same thing happened to my brother 10 years ago. Seems that suicides by hanging at riverhead are a pretty common occurrence. I wouldn’t put it past the corrections officers especially on Long Island to cover up a murder. In my opinion Long Island has some of the meanest most corrupted individuals in the united states. I know because I spent almopst my entire life living there. Sad…

  4. I just want to say my brother was hang in riverhead jail 5-7-2009. they said he kill him self. we are seeking lawyer on that now. I dont believe it happen the way they said because the co was big problem to him.

  5. Riverhead jail is one of the most horrible places on earth. The CO’s are some of the most sickest and demented individuals on earth as well. My suggestions is stay as far from Suffolk County as you can, unless you want a brief glimpse of Nazi Germany.

  6. Well from what I collected…total of three hangings from your all stories…but stuff happens…even when you locked away…you know that you’re getting out soon…it still gets to you..to the point it don’t matter if release is three weeks away…its going to be hard…you won’t know how to deal with it…just seems so far away…but anyways…stuff like this happens everywhere…people just lose it…and not to be disrespectful…but if you all think the workers had something to do with it…which I doubt…they shouldn’t have done anything to be there in the first place…or broken any rules

    • Here is my problem with your theory, Not everyone who goes to jail is guilty. Do you read the papers follow case history the statistics are scary on how many innocent people are let out. What do we say punish everyone even if you are not sure they are guilty. Sounds like you live in a nice neat place let me know where that land is. The one with no corruption and everyone does their job and everyone is above reproach.

      • I completly agree to you, as my bf is already 1 week in this horrible place Riverhead jail, he is innocent, but they just taking time and changing the date of court without noticing family and our lawyer.Such a bulls*.Not fair, they better look for killers and drug sellers than for innocent people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • I just read your post.I completly agree to you.My bf is already 3 weeks there,even they sent him now to Yaphank.It’s terrible.He is innocent we got a lawyer already, but they just changing court day.I cant believe in that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. During my senior year of high school i got to participate on a field trip to river head jail and got to walk through holding cells and basically see how these inmates live. We did not get to see the juveniles tho, must of been acting up to much. I was surprised that the females were talking more shit than the dudes were, but definitively a scary place to live either way. Overall this was a very cool experience and i never want to go there again. Unless i work there

    • Suffolk County Jail CO’s are among the most sickest sadistic lowlifes on the planet. Most of them act like they have no more than Junior High School educations and resemble a bunch of rowdy bikers halkf stoned on amphetamines and coke and booze. I moved away from Suffick years ago and am glad. NEVER TO RETURN.
      Stay away from Suffok County Jail at all costs. AT ALL COSTS…

  8. was in that jail when i was 17yrs old. that was in 1970 from experience, you shut your mouth and keep it shut while you’re there. told by officers and other guys there.

  9. Listen I hope you never get accused of something you did not do.Those Cos are corrupt they half beat my brother to death in the seventies. My brother was innocent and proved it in court. Remember innocent til proven guilty. Thats only a county jail. Do not pass judgement.

  10. Suffolk County Jail at Riverhead is one of the most dangerous jails anyone on earth would ever want to be in. It rivals a third world jail. I pity anyone who ever steps into that most digusting cesspool they call a jail.

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