Update: Friends, An update and correction. The presentation by Fr. Roy Bourgeois, at the University, scheduled for Wednesday, April 1, will start at 12:45 pm and be held in the Wang Center Auditorium. The Wang Center is the first building you see, with the high spire on top, as you enter the main entrance to the School. It is much more convenient to the Parking Garage, which is slightly to the left as you come off Nichols Road. Bill
Building Justice Through Solidarity and Direct Action
School of the Assassins: movie and presentation
Friday, April 3rd, 2009 at 7:30pm
Father Roy Bourgeois
Founder and Director, School of the Americas Watch
Father Roy Bourgeois recently experienced a challenge when
the Catholic Church threatened to ex-communicate him for his support of women priests.
Co-Presented by: Cinema Arts Centre and
The School of the Americas Watch (LI SOA Watch)
This Academy Award nominated documentary provided the early inspiration for the movement which has grown to thousands since its start in 1992. SOA is an institution established by our government in 1946, originally based in Panama, now located here in our country. SOA has trained Central and South American soldiers who have participated in some of the worst atrocities committed in our hemisphere. The anti-SOA movement has grown to the point of bringing together over 20,000 people each year, at its annual meeting in Fort Benning Georgia, o the military base where the School is now located. The focus of the SOAW, with local chapters all over the country, has expanded over the years, to bring light to US policy in general. Last year, legislation to close the School of the Americas (SOA/WHINSEC)came within just six votes of passing Congress.
Co-sponsored by: Veterans for Peace, Chapter 138; Pax Christi; North Country Peace Group; and PeaceSmiths, Inc. (list in formation)
For more information, please contact:
Bill McNulty at wmmcnult at verizon dot net
Mara Bard at marabard dot yahoo dot com
Agnes Kelly at agneskelly at aol dot com
A p.s. from Kimberly:
The PeaceSmiths Coffeehouse is Friday, April 3rd. We usually run from start time of 8pm to at least 11pm. So, we look forward to your visit that night. It is doable to go see Father Roy in Huntington early, and swing by PeaceSmiths afterwards for some coffee, tea, literature, and the open mic…
Filed under: activism, Anti-War, events, international politics, local, long island, Long Island Politics, News, Peace, politics, progressive politics, social & economic justice, US Politics, war Tagged: | Central America, cinema arts centre, Father Roy, Father Roy Bourgeois, huntington, long island, School of the Americas, soa, SOAW, South America, WHINSEC
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