First Black President Defeats U.S. Antiwar Movement | Black Agenda Report
Commentary by Glen Ford
From the website:
The arrival of the Obama administration has crippled the U.S. anti-war movement, which has neither the fortitude nor political depth to confront imperialism with a Black face. The Out of Iraq caucus on Capitol Hill might as well call itself the Out of Action caucus, since it can’t figure out a way to respond to President Obama’s expanding military budgets and wars. National anti-war organizations cling to the fiction that Obama is really seeking a military withdrawal from Iraq. The anti-war movement has hit rock-bottom because of its failure to challenge this particular president, an imperialist with charm, a warmonger with a winning smile. Full article is: here
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Filed under: afghanistan, Anti-War, News, Peace, politics, progressive politics, US Politics, war Tagged: | Glen Ford, imperialism, Obama
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