KW: For the past few weeks, the national Green Party web-site featured five Green Party candidates running on June 9th for local office in Maine and Massachusetts. According to the front page update today, four out of five won their races. [Also, I confirmed via a phone number at the Portland Charter Commission web-site that Ben Chipman and Anna Trevorrow were elected.]
Elected were: Anna Treverrow for Portland Charter Commission in Maine; Ben Chipman for Portland Charter Commission in Maine; and Joyce Palmer-Fortune for Wheatley Select Board in Franklin County, Massachusetts.
Re-elected was: Nat Fortune for Wheatley Elementary School Committee in Franklin County, Massachusetts.
Dan Jenkins was a Green candidate from Maine who did not win his race.
Ballot Access News did a detailed story on the Portland Charter Commission race, see here and below:from Ballot Access News
Portland, Maine Greens Elect Two to Charter Commission
June 10th, 2009
On June 9, voters of Portland, Maine elected a Commission to consider revising the city charter. Although the election was non-partisan, most voters were aware that three Greens were running. Ben Chipman was elected in a two-person contest in district 1, with 62.2% of the vote. Anna Trevorrow was elected to one of the at-large seats. Eight candidates were running for the at-large seats and four were to be elected. Trevorrow received 51.1%.
Filed under: 3rd party, election, elections, green, Green Party, News, politics, progressive politics, third party, US Politics Tagged: | Anna Treverow, Anna Treverrow, Ben Chipman, Green Party, Joyce Fortune, Joyce Palmer-Fortune, Maine, massachusetts, Nat Fortune, Portland Charter Commission, results, Wheatley
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