A report from the popular Green Party site Green Party Watch, and a story in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, affirm that Cynthia McKinney was brought from jail to the airport, and is currently being deported by Israel. Supporters wait and worry until she arrives home in the US safely. Former Congresswoman and former Green Party candidate for President Cynthia McKinney was on a boat trying to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza, when the boat — with 21 activists — was taken by Israel.
(excerpt from) Green Party Watch
BREAKING NEWS: Israeli authorities deporting Cynthia McKinney
July 5th, 2009 by Gregg Jocoy · 8 Comments
This breaking news comes via David Josue, a close associate and supporter of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney: Editor’s notes in parenthesis.
Mairead (Mairead Maguire, winner of a Noble Peace Prize for her work in Northern Ireland) called me(David Josue) and told me that Cynthia and the others were removed from the cells (an Israeli prison cellblock in Ramle) and sent to the airport. I called the American embassy in Tel Aviv to inform them. They did not even know about the transfer. I just spoke with the duty officer and he confirmed that they are at the airport and the embassy sent someone to talk to them. I don’t know the flight arrangement yet. It looks like they will enter via Boston, but this is not confirmed yet…
-end of GPW story
(excerpt from) Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Cynthia McKinney’s mom said she’s learned that her daughter is on the way home.
Leola McKinney said a friend who contacted the U.S. Embassy in Israel reported that the former congresswoman was released from Israeli custody and taken to Ben Gurion International Airport.
“We finally got word that she was released,” Leola McKinney said late Sunday afternoon. “We don’t know what time she is supposed to fly out. All we know is that they took her to the airport.
“I would be more relieved when I know she’s on the flight,” Leola McKinney added. “But I am relieved that she’s away from there.”…
Filed under: activism, cynthia mckinney, international politics, News, politics, progressive politics, US Politics Tagged: | cynthia mckinney, Gaza, Israel, Leola McKinney
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