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Help support a Racial Justice Act in regards to the death penalty

If you are an opponent of the death penalty, or if the Henry Louis Gates wrongful arrest story has you thinking about racial profiling and bias in our criminal justice system, please consider helping out with this bill. It is in regards to North Carolina law. Though, passing it would create an interesting precedent and dialogue for the nation. And, the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty is asking for support on this project of one of their locals…

Received in my e-mail as an action alert from NCADP:

Dear Abolitionists,

NCADP’s Affiliates in North Carolina have asked for our assistance in reaching out to you to ask you take a few minutes today to help them pass the NC Racial Justice Act, a bill that would provide a remedy for death sentences that are proven to be the product of racial bias.  The NC Senate will vote to concur on the Racial Justice Act tomorrow (Tuesday, July 28, 2009).

Please call and email the below Senators… or all three!  Regardless of whether you support or oppose the death penalty-we can all agree that race should play no role in deciding who lives and who dies.  Today this effort is about building the momentum and support with lots of calls.  Please simply give your name and ask that they “vote to concur on RJA (S461) with no amendments or delays.”


Click here to fax and/or email [North Carolina State Senators] and ask them to concur on Racial Justice Act (S461)!


Charlie Alberson (D)   (919) 733-5705
Marc Basnight (D)   (919) 733-6854
Don Davis(D)   (919) 733-5621
Steve Goss (D)   (919) 733-5742
David Hoyle (D)   (919) 733-5734
Tony Rand (D)   (919) 733-9892
John Snow (D)   (919) 733-5875
A.B. Swindell   (919) 715-3030

Thank you for taking this important action immediately.

The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

2 Responses

  1. I support the death penalty, violent criminals causing death of another should be executed as well as well as the right for police to arrest those that refuse to corporate with police conducting an investigation.

    • What if you, personally, are standing in the room when someone else commits murder? What if you get falsely accused and charged with murder?

      The problem is…you never know for sure what happened.

      So, better not to kill anyone. Better for every single person.

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