from Black Box Voting:
3. MAINE’S CLEAN ELECTIONS LAW REDUCES CANDIDATE DEPENDENCY on donations by corporations and vested interests. Though not perfect, better than states like California, which had zealots and vested interests pumping millions into ballot issues in 2008, and some states have tainted processes for electing judges, with almost no campaign finance restrictions for those positions.
• Threats: Quite a lot of tinkering is being attempted with Maine’s Clean Elections laws. Most of it dies, some of it passes. The tinkering consists of multiple proposals to adjust language and procedures; some may strengthen Maine’s Clean Elections law, other proposals will weaken it. The sheer number of tweaks being proposed indicates that Maine’s Clean Elections law is under attack, and warrants continued vigilance for those who support its purpose. You can view the many attempts to tinker with Clean Elections law here: (enter the word “election” in the title or subject bar).
Filed under: campaign finance reform, election, elections
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