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Who is our country killing this week?…Pakistan and Afghanistan

KW: We need more calls for peace. We need a peace president. We need for people to wake up to the fact that our country is now using the military to kill the wives of people we suspect are guilty and our country is also killing children in a callous and haphazard way that is stirring up anger and resentment against America. This is not good.

A probable US drone strike in Pakistan killed the WIFE of a militant in Pakistan.

In Afghanistan, international forces including the United States, killed three children and a villager. The BBC reports, “The villagers shouted ‘Death to America! Death to infidels!’ as they displayed the corpses in the back of a pickup truck.”

(excerpt from first BBC story that notes the woman who was killed) BBC
Drone strike on militant’s family

Two missiles, suspected to have been fired by a US drone, have killed one of the wives of a leading Pakistani militant, relatives have told the BBC.

The missiles struck the house of top Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud’s father-in-law, locals told the BBC

They say that several other relatives of Mr Mehsud were injured in the attack in the South Waziristan tribal area…

Pakistan has been publicly critical of such attacks. The government says that they fuel support for the militants.

A BBC updated story notes four people are dead in the Pakistan drone attack

A missile, suspected to have been fired by a US drone, has killed four people in Pakistan’s North Waziristan tribal region, intelligence officials say.

In Afghanistan…

(excerpt from) BBC
Outrage over Afghan child deaths
Afghan villagers look at the bodies of the two children and a villager
The attack infuriated villagers who took the bodies to Kandahar city

Three children and a man have been killed in an overnight air strike by international forces, angry villagers in southern Afghanistan say.

The bodies were taken to the city of Kandahar to be displayed in front of officials. US and Nato-led forces said they were investigating the reports.

The issue of civilian casualties at the hands of foreign troops has caused deep resentment among Afghan people.

President Hamid Karzai has repeatedly spoken out against such incidents…

A reporter for the Associated Press news agency witnessed residents of Kowuk bring the bodies of three boys and a man to the guesthouse of the Kandahar governor from their village, 20km (12 miles) north of the provincial capital, Kandahar city.

The villagers shouted “Death to America! Death to infidels!” as they displayed the corpses in the back of a pickup truck.

The father of the dead boys, Abdur Rahim, told AP that he heard a pair of helicopters circling over his compound early on Wednesday before they fired two missiles that hit his home.

His brother and another son were wounded, he said.

“What was the fault of my innocent children? They were not Taliban,” Mr Rahim said.

“Did they come here to build our country or kill our innocent children?”…

Last week the UN said the number of civilian casualties in Afghanistan had increased by nearly 25% in the first half of 2009 compared to the same period last year [Editor’s note: That means that under President Barack Obama, the US is killing more civilians in Afghanistan than George Bush was.]…

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