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Make a statement against domestic violence: Help oust State Senator Monserrate

KW: All this time the Monserrate situation has made me so angry. It seemed quiet apparent that he was involved in some kind of domestic violence, and yet he remained a public official, and the Democratic leaders actually caved into him when Monserrate made his power play during the NY State Senate Coup.

Now, the courts have evaluated the situation. And, they say that State Senator Monserrate was guilty of assault (albeit less than what probably happened.)

If a male elected official is convicted of assaulting a woman, that should be enough to get him kicked out of office. And, if not kicked out, than shamed out. The behavior of the officials in Albany who tolerate him is disgusting.

I think that women New Yorkers should think of actions to take to show our displeasure. But, in addition, I hope to goodness that folks will get Monserrate un-elected. His election will be November 2010. The area is the 13th Senate District in Queens, New York City. And, I, personally, am waiting for a woman candidate who is independent or from a third party to support. (The Republican and Democratic leaders were too willing to use Monserrate, despite his behavior.) Can you think of anyone to recruit?????

Some clips from various Daily News articles:

Monserrate convicted of misdemeanor
By Bill Hammond

State Sen. Hiram Monserrate was convicted of misdemeanor assault Thursday for attacking his girlfriend – but cleared of felony counts that would have forced him from office, the Daily News’ Tom Zambito reports.

Monserrate still faces up to two years in jail, but he might be able to hang on to his Senate seat – and keep collecting his paycheck behind bars.

It also means fellow Democrats face the real possibility of having to contend with a jailbird in the Legislature – an embarrassing prospect Republicans will relish and try to capitalize on…

From a longer Daily News story:

Monserrate also may be able hang on to his Senate seat – a prospect that galled Councilman Eric Gioia, who was the first Democrat out of the gate demanding that Monserrate resign.

“There is no room in government or in the Democratic Party for people who commit such heinous crimes against women,” he said. “Elected officials should rightfully be held to a higher standard.”

2 Responses

  1. […] is the one who was said to have committed domestic violence against his girlfriend, and was convicted of misdemeanor assault. I hope that even Democrats have the good sense to get rid of him in the primary and/or general […]

  2. […] is the one who was said to have committed domestic violence against his girlfriend, and was convicted of misdemeanor assault. I hope that even Democrats have the good sense to get rid of him in the primary and/or general […]

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