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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

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PeaceSmiths Coffeehouse this Friday

PeaceSmiths Coffeehouse
Friday, December 11, 2009
at 8pm
First United Methodist Church in Amityville
$7 suggested donation, more if possible, less if necessary.

Music by: George Mann (Singer/songwriter, labor singer, friend and supporter of the late Julius Margolin)
Poetry by: Kathaleen Donnelly
Presentation on a project for veterans by: George Mann
Finale music by: George Mann

Musical spotlight: “Until You Come Home“, the new CD compilation of songs for veterans produced by George.

Poetry: Kathaleen Donnelly will be reading from her new anthology, “PAUMANOK, Poems and Pictures of Long Island”.

More info and directions at: (631) 798-0778 or www.peacesmiths.org


Miscelleaneous notes for those who are watching carefully:

Note that PeaceSmiths is usually the first Friday of the month from October to June. Though, for this year, due to holidays and scheduling with the venue, the December and April coffeehouses are on THE SECOND FRIDAY. Also, there is no January coffeehouse. So, the rest of the season is: December is second Friday; (none in January); February is first Friday; March is first Friday; April is second Friday; May is first Friday; June is first Friday. We have no forums scheduled, but are trying to work on one for the Spring.

Also: Yes, the December coffeehouse is on the first night of Chanukah. Did not realize until it was too late to change. Chanukah is so early, it snuck up on all of us. Sorry for anyone who that is a problem for. We did say the event is a holiday gathering, so we will light a candle.


P.S. The inside scoop: In February, George Mann will be releasing “Songs for Jules and Bruce“, a project celebrating Julius Margolin, and Bruce “Utah” Phillips.

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